Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A perfect 10?

Pre-workout eats: PB&J oats

Workout: 2.2-mile walk with Denali and 60-minute Vinyasa Flow class

10 days of yoga …

It’s done.

    yoga squatacfea6c23af0de97_1-legged-staff-pose

I've tested my body with yogic squats and one-legged chaturangas.


My mind, which is so used to leaving problems behind when out for a run, has been forced to confront things in savasana.

It’s been an experience far more than I ever anticipated, opening a new door of wellness - both physical and mental.

And, after a fantastic New Year’s class, I was anxious to see what lies beyond that door … but I knew it wasn’t as simple as telling Mark, “I love yoga and want to go all the time.” There were things to consider - like how long I can physically practice yoga; the cost (twice of what a gym runs); and whether I really wanted it, as opposed to a stationary bike or gym membership. And then there’s running – how much did I want to run, if at all.

The last question was easy to answer. Of course, I wanted to run – just not 20 miles a week. As far as the gym, there’s not much there that I couldn’t do at home. How long I’ll be able to do it is anyone’s guess but I have a good two or three months before I get BIG.

So the money … Mark, my forever-awesome husband, said if it’s something that works for me, we’ll work it out.

And it works for me – the social aspect, having a schedule (it reminds me of training for a race!),the sense of nurturing I feel and the pace suits tired ole me just fine.

I’ll be incorporating yoga three to four times a week and running three times a week, hopefully at least 10 miles (for the week – not at a time).

Have you ever tried yoga? What’s your fave class?


  1. Oh Kimberly -
    I'm soooo excited to read your discovery of a new passion. It's such a healthy way to workout - such a life palate cleanser. I'm soooo excited to hear that you'll be able to routinely continue it!!! How fantastic!!!!! Yeah - go you!
    When I was 100 pounds lighter and lived in VA, I used to go to a Body Flow Class which was awesome. I loved it so much that I became an instructor. I never enjoyed teaching the class as much as I enjoyed taking it.
    Good luck - I can't wait to read more about how this is life changing and also what doors it opens for you. Yeah for you!!!!

  2. I tried a relaxation yoga class at the Y two winters ago.

    It was $20 for two hours and I did it because I was a major stress ball. After I finally relaxed I fell asleep!! Luckily only for a minute or two... I don't think the instructor saw... Haha!

  3. If the cost becomes a bigger issue (and even if it isn't), take the time to check out the online yoga community. I started off doing podcasts by Elsie. She began recording her classes while she was teaching and then would post them online. It was a great way to affordably take yoga classes. Check her out at
    She's amazing and has many different level classes :D
    (and no, no affiliation, just a fan who appreciates the hard work that she puts into her podcasts)
