"So you're one of those people," he said.
"He" was the kind man who took me up on my Facebook post in the run group for 8 miles at an easy pace – I was guessing 9:30 miles – early on Father's Day morning.
And by "those" he meant that I am possibly the person in a pack of runners who quietly, usually unintentionally pushes the pace.
He laughed. I laughed. And then I admitted that it was true. I never mean to pick up the pace or not run as advertised but it just happens. Mostly, when I am talking. I get excited about what I'm saying and, let's be honest, having a grown person to talk to that my feet follow suit.
But just as he was surprised at our 9:01 average for the run, I was floored. You see, after posts and posts bemoaning my lack of long runs, I did it. I got in more than 6 or 7 miles. Sure, it was 8.6 but it was more than anything I've done. I was worried I wouldn't be able to go the distance without significantly slowing down but there I was, that person on a run with somebody I never met.
Thankfully, he took it in stride. Literally.
And so that run capped off a decent week of workouts, giving me a much needed confidence boost with just a couple weeks to go until marathon training begins.
Here's how the week shook out:
distance | 5 miles
time | 45:41
pace | 9:06
distance | 3 miles
time | 28:06
pace | 9:20
distance | 5 miles
workout | 3 x 1-mile tempo w/0.25-mile recovery
time | 43:20
pace | 8:40
distance | 5 miles
time | 50:16
pace | 10:01
distance | 8.6 miles
time | 1:17:56
pace | 9:01
I also unintentionally pick up the pace, especially if I am venting about something. Then watch out, we're gunning it. Haha. Nice run!