With good, there comes bad.
And for as good of a week I had kicking off the new year, I had an equally off week for the second. It wasn't a bad week - I worked out (plenty) but wasn't the week I would plan for myself.
I was able to squeeze in just two runs, and they weren't nearly as far as I think I should be running. Trainer rides were cut short because of a toddler who decided that going to bedtime with ease was a thing of the past, and sleeping by himself was passe. There was also a little thing called the polar vortex, which brought my area 10+ inches of snow and sub-zero temperatures.
It was not fun ... but it is done. And posted here for posterity.
The week, in workouts
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: Biggest Loser Power X-Train DVD/Bodypump practice (45 min) + 20 minutes on trainer
Wednesday: 3-mile run (4x400 intervals) + Bodypump practice
Thursday: 40-minute run + Bodypump practice
Friday: Slow flow yoga
Saturday: Les Mills launch (~2.5 hours)
Sunday: Les Mills launch (~2.5 hours)
might not have been what you wanted, but you still got in such a great variety!! I am working on making sure my schedule contains a lot more strength