Sunday, November 13, 2011

Oh, bloody hell

Move that body: 8-mile run

Don’t let that smile fool you.


It was short lived. About 33.67 seconds after this photo was taken, I realized that my Garmin was dead and I didn’t have a route mapped for my 8-mile run. #typearunnerfail

I’m not sure what it was about this weekend but things were not working out for me in the running department. It was as if someone was trying to remind me that the sport isn’t just about casual 3-mile jogs in the park. It’s about headwinds, road rash, side stitches, chafing and bloody toes.

Yeah, I said it. Bloody toes.

After charging my Garmin for about 15 minutes while I mapped a route, I went on my way. A couple miles in, I noticed that my sock felt wet. I wasn’t alarmed, though. It must have been residual sweat seeing as I, umm, wore, umm, the same, umm, socks as yesterday. (Judge me, it’s OK.) A bit later, it felt even wetter. “Weird,” I thought to myself. It’s not even that hot out. And then, about 6.5 miles in, I realized that it was just my right foot bothering me. Residual sweat and/or sweaty feet would affect two socks – not one. I pulled off the side of the trail and took off my shoe.

There was a problem. A big ole red spot was coloring my aqua Asics sock – my fave. I took it off and saw that my first three toes were caked. So gross. I’m guessing my haggard toenails cut into the side of one of the toes and caused the problem.

I thought about what to do for a moment. I could find someone with a cell phone and call Mark to come get me. I could just walk home. Or, I could rinse off the toes, put said sock back on and finish up the run.

Y’all know me well enough to answer that, I’m sure.

It wasn’t pretty but I got it done. On the upside, it gives me an excuse to make a pedicure appointment.

How was your Sunday?


  1. Oh man, girl - you're a wreck this weekend related to running!!!

    My Sunday was uneventful! I did discover a great boot camp class at Tumble X for the month of December and would LOVE for you to join me - but it starts at 6 so . . . probably not. EVEN BETTER news than that . . . (yes, it warrants sitting down for) - they will be offering Body Pump (Les Mills - google if you must, or just trust me!) starting in January - OH YEAH, "L" is coming to the BIG CITY at least twice weekly for the class!!!!! This girl is gonna get back on track - woot woot!!!!! Join me if you can :)

  2. Ohhh, oops, forgot to add - GREAT job pushing through all of the universe's signs warning you to "skip this run"!!! So impressive!!! As you get fast and return to your full awesomeness, will you still have time for a slow walk/run with an ol' friend??? Hope so :) . . . but if it doesn't fit into your training plan - I've been told that before and totally understand :) WINK

  3. you are looking awesome!! bloody toes suck but pedicures rock! Great job pushing through - you continue to inspire me :)

  4. Way to go! I had bloody toes after my 7 miler a few weeks ago. Stupid toenails!

  5. haha, I love how you don't let a little thing like a bloody foot get in the way of a good long run! Hope the foot heals quickly!

  6. Even when the universe is against you, you still pushed through! Great job!

  7. Congrats on 8 miles!!!!! I hate when all the running gods seem to be against you during a run. My favorite is stepping into the shower after a run and realizing you chafed all over. OUCH!!!! Hope your foot heals soon.
