Monday, January 10, 2011

Underneath it all

Workout: 1.5-mile walk with Denali and 60-minute Slow Flow yoga class

It's official, folks. I had my first dream about yoga. And let me tell you, it wasn't a good one.

I was late. Very late for my 9 a.m. yoga class - like 2.5 hours - and the instructor/owner was none too pleased with me. She told me that she wasn't sure that I should be welcome in her yoga studio. It might not be the right "fit."

Anxious to prove her wrong, I joined a class about to begin. I unrolled my mat and began to stretch, soon realizing that I was not dressed appropriately for class. I was wearing a short, tight T-shirt dress (like this one here) ... and nothing else. Picturing myself giving a free show, I managed to procure a pair of '80s printed shorts via theft.

I was excited to get started but the drama didn't end there. Ten minutes into the class, someone stole my mat. I tried to convince her that it was mine, the brown stains evidence from a poor paint job in an old apartment but my efforts were unsuccessful. I stormed out in tears, and I was greeted by a yogi master. He asked me what was wrong and as I began to tell him, he walked away to talk "business" with someone else. I was left crying on the step.

So ... yeah ... I'm not sure what all that means. I'm thinking it was a sign to start carrying a pair of underthings in the event that I'm so preoccupied that I find myself going commando.

Or maybe it was just a feeling being foreshadowed, like how I felt when I discovered that I got hit with a parking ticket outside the yoga studio. My inability to find an extra nickel for 12 minutes cost me $5. Boo!

Do you dream about workouts ... running, yoga, biking? I had race anxiety nightmares before my half marathon in September that often involved me DNFing.


  1. Hilarious! Wow, I thought yoga was supposed to be relaxing?

    I can't say I'm having many of these dreams, but it's probably cause I'm mainly sleep deprived. I'm sure you'll hear this all the time from other moms, but sleep as much as you possibly can while you still can and enjoy every minute of it!!!

  2. On Regis and Kelly this morning they were talking about a naked yoga class - hilarious you dreamed of going commando. I don't think I have dreams about working out, but I have lots of weird dreams.
