Thursday, January 20, 2011

Three Things Thursday

Pre-workout eats: Kashi Dark Chocolate Coconut Fruit & Grain bar (Buy these. The taste awesome ... to me at least.)
Workout: Ran 6.00 miles

Hello new readers! I'm waving to you from my desk right now. I am. I swear. Just a shame you can't see me ... or the giant cup of decaf hazelnut coffee sitting next to me.

1. So you'll never guess what I did today. I mean it's so out of character that you might need to sit down. Are you sitting? OK.

I ran ... on the TREADMILL.

I know, I know. It's quite the feat seeing as a) I HATE the treadmill; b) I have no gym membership; and c) I don't own a treadmill.

I promise I didn't go covert and break into Anytime Fitness or a neighbor's house.

I actually hit up the fitness center at the local college that's 5 minutes from my house (or 15 minutes if you get "disoriented" leaving the parking garage). A day pass is $5, which gets you a decent treadmill run in Tempo shorts. Sure beats trying to brave the treacherous sidewalks with a snow-eating beast after yesterday's ice. I'm not sure I'll do it all the time but it's nice little option to have in your back pocket when it's 8 degrees in the morning.

2. I'm going to take a minute to pat myself on the back. I ran 6 miles on the dot - the farthest in, like, ever ... or since Dec. 16. And, had the dern treadmill not cut me off at an hour, I really think I could have gone 7 - at least. Kim's getting her groove back! Sure, it was a tad slow but I'm always slower on the treadmill.

3. Seeing as I got "disoriented" on campus and ran a mile farther than anticipated, my schedule was a little crunched this morning. Factor in that I actually spent 5 minutes blow drying my hair, I was teetering on being late for work. My solution? Not slicing my green pepper, which is part of my afternoon snack. I figure I'll use a plastic knife ... or break off pieces. It should work. Right? Right!

Now, go off. And have a fantabulous Thursday while you are at it!


  1. Score! That's awesome. I really would like some of your cold-weather motivation though. I haven't figured a way to make it easier to get out there. And we don't have the local college fitness center option. Buy a treadmill? eh... I prefer to be outside. Maybe I should move to a warmer place. Who knows.

    Enjoy hacking at your green pepper... it'll be great! :D

  2. You could just bite the green pepper like an apple, right? :)

  3. hi! I found your blog through skinny runner. Congrats on your pregnancy. We are due around the same time. I'm too am a runner but having a very difficult time as this baby must be sitting directly on my bladder. I look forward to following you on your journey!

  4. Last year I was sitting in a meeting with they healthy fitness types (ymca program directors, dietitians, etc) and a girl whipped out a green pepper and began eating it like an apple. NEVER saw such a thing - worked!
