Friday, November 19, 2010

Friday love

Pre-workout breakfast: Cinnabon Cream of Wheat with sliced banana

Workout: Ran 4.3 miles; average pace, 8:34.

Let’s just say the longest week ever? Not only did I have to recover from the POM Wonderful party but I’ve been waiting with bated breath for the one … the only … “Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows: Part 1.”


Holla! I’m am so going to see the flick Saturday morning and, hopefully, avoid the crowds. Sometimes it totally rocks to be an old lady!

Now onto some well-deserved Friday love.tea

Food. While it’s not technically a food, I’ve been enjoying more than my fair share of Lipton’s Ginger Twist Tea. It’s tasty. It’s decaf. And it’s soothing on these cold days in the office. I find that it has a light, refreshing flavor that I don’t get tired of. Sometimes hot teas leave a weird feeling in my mouth or have an after taste, and this one does not. The flavor can be found in Lipton’s herbal tea samplers or purchased in bulk on Amazon. Can you guess which one I do? Yep. I get it in bulk. And, sadly, I’m down to one box at home and one box at work. Time to reorder!

Fitness. Vindication. I’m not sure if it’s really fitness love but who can feel bad about a little vindication. Mark finally tried out my Jackie Warner DVD and posted this on Facebook: Just did a very hard workout. Perhaps harder than 90x. Jackie W. You suck.

Cue devilish laughter.

Mark even said that he had to drop down to 5-pound weights for some of the moves and he was still sore this morning. Poor baby.

Life. T-minus 5 days until I see my grandma. Oh, sweet Grandma. I haven’t been back home since the Fourth of July and it feels like these four months have been LONG. I just can’t wait to hug her and squeeze her and annoy her by playing with her hair. She hates it when people touch her head. She also hates it when I beat her in Scrabble but I think she would hate it more if I let her win. Or so I say.

Hope everyone has a great weekend! And good luck to “L” at the Women’s half marathon. Rock it!

What are you doing?

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