
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Three Things Thursday: Le sigh

Today has been one of those days. You know the days I'm talking about - the kind where nothing cataclysmic happens but where enough tiny mishaps occur to throw you off your game.

And find yourself washing a brand new white shirt with an audience of 2-year-olds.

1.This morning, I had Miles in one hand, a bag and cup of coffee in the other. Yes, cup - as in not a travel mug because I couldn't find the lid to that. I got us out to the car, Miles settled into his seat and my coffee securely in the center console. We drove to daycare and discussed the normal things - going fwimmin', the car wash and who was going to take him to both activities. I got out of the car and just happened to look down as I walked around. I had a trail of coffee down a brand new white knit top.

Thankfully, the provider provided me with a wash cloth, soap and a bench to sit on. I scrubbed furiously and was able to get most of the coffee out. It must have been an interesting process because Miles and two of his friends were practically on my lap as I wiped.

2. I had a 7-mile run with six hill intervals on the schedule this morning. I had hoped to do an easy 7 with rollers outside but thunderstorms this morning had me on the treadmill. The run was fine though I did cut it to 6 miles because I had gotten in all the intervals and I have 15 tomorrow. I got off the treadmill and went about my morning without incident - save for the coffee. At work, though, after getting up to go to the bathroom, I had an annoying pain in my left hip. It didn't hurt to put weight on nor did it cause me discomfort as I sat. When I walked, however, I was distinctly aware that something was not right. I spent my day half-freaking out, half-working. And then I came home and it didn't hurt.

3. Tonight was the first night since Saturday that Mark, Miles and I were going to eat at home (we had family in town, etc.). I was so excited just to be home and enjoy a nice meal - Turkey Pizza Burgers on ciabatta rolls, sweet potato fries and broccoli.

But, yeah, those ciabatta rolls. When I took them out, each and every one had at least one spot of mold. I sometimes have buns in the freezer but not today, the wheat bread was gone and we were down to two slices of white bread. I told Mark that it was bagels ... or bagels. And he said he'd take the bread. So I decided to have mine on a La Tortilla Factory Smart & Delicious Three-Seed Wrap.

So we had Turkey Pizza Patties or quesadillas? I don't really know.

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I'm not sure it matters either as we kept it super classy and ate on TV trays in the living room. Please note the PlayStation controller and Swiss ball pump where my butt should be.

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By the way, did you notice the missing sweet potato fries? Let's just say the oven forgot to turn itself on.

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Thankfully, the patties ended up being winner - no doubt because of the star ingredient, Laughing Cow's new Babybel Mozzarella. The rounds make a great protein-filled snack and pair well with a fresh pear or do well sliced and diced in this burger.

The recipe is fairly low key - just a shake, shake, shake of this and a pinch of that - but definitely worth a go. Especially on a day like today.

Laugh It Up Turkey Pizza Burgers

1 pound lean ground turkey
12 pieces turkey pepperoni, chopped
1/4 cup sundried tomatoes (not packed in oil)
2 teaspoons pizza seasoning or Italian seasoning
1 teaspoon salt
4 rounds Laughing Cow Mozzarella
Optional or good ideas  if available in your fridge: 1 cup fresh baby spinach, 1/4 cup fresh chopped basil
1/4 cup Muir Glen Organic Pizza Sauce (sugar free!)
4 whole grain ciabatta rolls .... or whatever you have

Preheat skillet over medium to medium-high heat. In a bowl, combine ground turkey, sundried tomatoes, pizza seasoning and salt. Dice two rounds of mozzarella and combine gently. If adding spinach or basil, mix in as well. Form into four patties. Slice remaining mozzarella rounds. Place patties in skillet and cook for 5 to 6 minutes; flip. Top patties with cheese and cook another 5 minutes. Remove patties from skillet and place on a plate to rest. Split rolls and toast in warm skillet. Add 1 tablespoon pizza sauce to each bun, top with patty and serve. Garnish with more fresh spinach and red onion slices.


Disclosure: I was provided with Laughing Cow Babybel Mozzarella Wedges at no charge but all thoughts and ideas are my own. I was not compensated to try or write about the product.


  1. I have never had the mozzarella Laughing Cow wedges. I'll have to keep my eyes open for them. I eat the other ones (that I guess are Swiss, though they do not taste anything like Swiss because normally I hate it) all the time.

    1. I like the wedges a lot - especially the Sundried Tomato Basil and Queso Fresco. I just saw they are coming out with a white cheddar one, which I'm going to hunt for.

  2. Mmmmmm, cheeeeeeeeeeese. Laughing Cow would never be able to afford to give me cheese- I think I'm the only reason our local grocery store needs to stock it!
    My day started with a trip to the bank to get fraud paperwork processed regarding charges made on my card by an international nekkid lady site. Now, don't you wish you could trade me the coffee spill for my great start? Stupid people. Thank goodness our group met today for a very soggy but very fun run that had my angry gone after the first puddle!

    1. You definitely win bad day award. At least you got in a run but you deserve some fro-yo or something. Hope you have a good weekend, though!

  3. I'm sold, anything with cheese mmmm. Your day sounds like my morning today. I got about 35 miles into my 42 mile drive to work when I realized I left my laptop and notes for meetings today, on our coffee table. Ugh, so glad it's the weekend!

    1. Yes to cheese! I think I should visit, and we can run then eat fondue. Cheese fondue then chocolate. Because that would be AWESOME.

  4. Just another day in the life of a mom! :)

  5. Looks like your had a good run and good food!
