
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Babbling Brooks

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I don't think I had ever been happier to see a glass of wine.

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After spending a half-hour on the verge of a complete meltdown, panicking that I had lost $100 cash intended for a new pair of shoes - when in fact I had spent it on groceries - I needed something to bring me down. Get me in the spirit of things.

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And by things I mean Ladies Night at Three Rivers Running Company.

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The shop has hosted the event for a few years now - and I have been twice before - but Saturday was my first time attending the event in its year-old location, and I found it to be quite the night. The larger space allowed for tons of socializing, and the store was able to put out a spread of fruit and wine along with samples of chews and various nutrition bars. (The bars were at vendor-type tables with representatives from Shakeology and Advocare.)

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There was also representatives from Girls on the Run, on-the-floor bra fittings and a fashion show, which featured this super cute Brooks shirt (color 955) that I just couldn't bring myself to buy. Extra skin + sheer fabric is not a match made in heaven.

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As for me and Brooks shoes, that turned out to be another story. I've always considered myself to be a Nike girl, and I had intended to buy the updated Nike Structure Triax while I was there. The always knowledgeable Casey advised me that Nike had made some changes, and some customers weren't happy with the new feel. I had heard some rustling of this online and when the store didn't have the shoe in a 7.5, I took it as a sign to try for something new.

Seriously, if you live in Northeast Indiana, come here to buy shoes. They KNOW them.

I tried a style of Adidas that are similar to the Triax but even with some adjustment on the lacing, I found it to be too wide in the heel. As I jogged in my jeans - keeping it classy, folks, I tell ya - on the treadmill, I felt as if my heel was slipping out. No good. No good at al. There was another shoe, though. One that was a bit lighter. One that could work.

The Brooks Ravenna.

I've always wanted to wear Brooks (for no rational reason) but have never liked a pair that I tried on, resigning myself to the fact that I couldn't #runhappy. So it was with trepidation that I tried them on. But like Cinderella, once the beautiful purple shoe slid on my foot, I felt like a running princess. A princess who could take on a BQ.

Or another glass of wine.

And I did, wandering the store, hanging out with my friend Chris and chatting with the ladies. It was a lot of fun, a welcome surprise for going alone and on the verge of tears. Maybe it was the wine or maybe it was all of the ladies who were so open and friendly, reaffirming my love for the running community.

What did you do this weekend? Any races?


  1. What a fun evening! Love the running community and the wonderful people in it! Glad you had a great time and found a new pair of shoes! :0)

  2. That sounds like so much fun! I'd have a hard time not coming home with more than one pair of shoes lol. You'll have to post about how you like the Brooks compared the Nike!

  3. Ladies night at a running store with wine and fruit? Sounds like the perfect night to me!

  4. I was a Ravenna girl when I first started running. =) Love those things. Now I'm PureCadence. Hope your Brooks are as good to you as mine have been to me.

  5. So bummed I missed this one - it's always a good time. Looks fancier this year than hotdogs and hamburgers :) from years past.

    Have missed you!!!! Hugs friend!
