
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Let's nuun it, nuun it

I did it. I did it, and I didn't even tell you about it. The horror!

I applied for the nuun Hood to Coast team.

My application is equal parts campy and campy, and it's 100 percent authentic to who I am. Which I guess would make me campy except that I hate to camp. Just ask Mark, who is wishing to pursue the great and outdoors and whom I reminded that the last time I camped was because I drank two bottles of wine on Kelleys Island and couldn't be trusted on the ferry - much less drive my car home after reaching the mainland. Sleeping with my cousin and her friend on an air mattress didn't leave the greatest impression.

Let's get back on course ... ha! A pun. I'm so funny!

I applied, and I really, really want to make it. Not just because it would be an awesome opportunity to run the mother of all relays - and, hello, I'm a mother - but because of the amazing ladies I've been introduced to via the Twitter #nuunhtc hashtag. There are so many blogs that I've never come across, and the women behind them are accomplished and dedicated athletes with amazing creative talents.

As I watched all of the videos that I could find, the nerves began to set in. Ants crawled up my arms - not literally but it seemed like a nice equivalent to getting antsy. I started to wonder what more I could do to set me apart from the crowd.

Thankfully, Karen at Just Me and My Running Shoes tagged me in her Very Inspiring Blogger Award post, and I'm using it to tell you - and nuun - about just how I have fun. Even if it doesn't count as my official application.

1. I get down and dirty.

Mostly when it comes to trail races and running in knee-deep water and ankle-deep mud but I do have my secrets. Most of which are not so safely guarded by my friend C and, with the right amount of Coca Cola, he'll tell you.

2. I travel to places near and far. And then I run.

Racecations are an indulgence and a luxury, and I feel blessed that in the past two years I've got to run in New Orleans, Colorado, Michigan, Florida, Lexington and Ohio. Snark all you want about Ohio but you'll change your mind after you've had Jeni's Splendid Ice Cream. Best thing I ever tasted after 26.2 miles.

3. I stalk people on the internet and then run with them.

Jess and I had our first date on a Colorado trail and - nunn, listen up - she still visits (the blog) after logging 11 miles with me.

4. I bake - preferably without a child in my arms.

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I find baking to be so much fun that it was the central focus of a fiction series I wrote for the newspaper, and I spent months developing sweet treats. And let's just say, it's a really nice perk to be my friend around your birthday. After all, who doesn't want a spare tire?

5. I support my friends and all that they do - with 100 percent enthusiasm. Especially if it's doing something like running 26.2 miles.

Green beans and funny signs included.

6. I never miss a ladies' night.

So what if the events are at the running store and we're drinking nuun instead of cocktails. You would be hard-pressed to find a more raucous event than a group of female runners in a store with loads of discounts and walls of shoes.

By the way, for the local gals, Three Rivers Running Company is hosting Ladies Night this weekend at 5:30 p.m. Saturday and - contending to be more awesome - a Mom's Night at 5:30 p.m. Friday, April 26. Thanks to my kind husband, I'll be attending both (and buying at least one pair of much-needed shoes).

7. And I like to be the life of the party.

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Yep, that's me on the couch with a bowl of popcorn (popped in coconut oil) and the new watermelon nuun. Forgive a girl for catching up on "Bates Motel" after getting her groove on, will you? And by groove, I mean squatting to the beat during BODYPUMP. By the way, have you seen "Bates Motel"? Mark and I LOVE it.

With seven reasons to support my funness (I made up a word, sue me) and seven days till they pick the winners, I'm hoping nuun gives me the best birthday present ever - a spot on the team.

If you are feeling supportive (or bored), feel free to tweet them of my worthiness - @nuunhydration, #nuunhtc.


  1. I heart you - totally hope you make it!

    AND. I nearly spit my coffee out when you started talking about running nuns in the hood. Not even exaggerating. :)

  2. lmao this is the greatest video ever. You crack me up! You totally need to get in so you can, like, braid peoples hair cause ultimately that's the greatest goal right?!

  3. I totally agree about the hair braiding! it is an under appreciated skill. Cute braids for everyone on race day!!

  4. How cool!! I am crossing my fingers for you! Love the video! Best of luck! :0)

  5. ok, love your video. You're so freaking adorable it's ridiculous. If I tweeted I would totally tweet them about how awesome you are.

    Love Nuuns, even drank it when I was delivering Ella. See, they are good in all facets of life. haha.

    Please come run with me again. Though it may be a while before I can keep up with you again. :-)

  6. I watched this this morning... absolutely LOVE it!!!

  7. You deserve to be on the relay especially after you anchored the WOOF relay through knee-deep muddy water and finishing in the dark! You are an iron woman in a pint size body. You definitely would be an asset to the team. Good luck! By the way, can you tell me where you found the watermelon NUUN? I can't wait to try it!

  8. Nice video and funny post! And um...why haven't I thought of popping popcorn in coconut oil before, genius and I'm doing it tonight!

  9. Love it! Good luck htc is so amazing everyone should do it at least once! I hope to do it again someday!
