
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Celebrate, err, good times: A giveaway

There's no great way to celebrate 32 - you know, if someone were to turn 32 years old.

A person could run 32 miles but that requires planning, training and time - lots of time. There's the option to run 32 kilometers but even that's more than 19 miles and requires endurance training and time. Throw a decimal in there and 3.2 miles is manageable but - meh - 3.2 miles. It'd be much more fun if you were 31 and wanted to PR a 5K.

Then there's the list-type celebration - 32 things to be grateful for, which by No. 31, would be that a toenail might make it to Wisconsin; or 32 things to accomplish this year but the person, not naming names, is usually just happy to have her teeth brushed before she leaves the house.

It can leave a person in quite the conundrum as she sips nuun and wonders whether birthdays are best for the 22K set. Or she could choose to celebrate with others by celebrating others.

And so it is with that in mind that I present you with the 3-2 birthday giveaway. There are three prizes for two people (six items total). This giveaway is provided by me, and the items are either unused "leftovers" from product reviews, things I've purchased or things I acquired at a phenomenally low rate with rebates. It is to celebrate you, the reader, for coming here and reading the words I spew.

So without further adieu, prize one:

A pair of Lock Laces, Nathan Sports TransWarmer Gloves (size medium) and SPIbelt. The items are each black, so it's like the Ninja of giveaways.

Prize two:

Vera Bradley tumbler, one tube of lemonade nuun and a $15 iTunes gift card.

I'm doing this is as a Rafflecopter, which makes it super easy, and I'm going to try to make this as effortless as possible. You know to celebrate you.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Note: Open to U.S. residents only (as I'm paying for shipping). Giveaway will end at midnight Wednesday, April 24, and winners will be contacted via email. If you are picked first, your email will give you first dibs on the prize that you want.


  1. I hope I get show case #2!! (You rock!)

  2. First, congrats on your Piloxing certification!

    Second, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you have a great one.

  3. I hope that nameless "person" has a fabulous birthday, whether she brushed her teeth or not today! :)
    In all seriousness, do something for YOU today. And enjoy every second of it. Birthdays only happen once a year, after all.

  4. Happy birthday!! WOoo!!

    I have to laugh that a person from Indiana would only put up a Vera Bradly item in a giveaway. When I moved to Texas and carrying around my VB bags everyone always asked what they were. Oh if they only knew. ;)

  5. Hope you have a fabulous birthday!! :0)

  6. Happy Birthday!!

    Thank you for sharing your running adventures with all of us!!!!

  7. Happy birthday!!!

  8. Happy Birthday Lady!!!! Hope you have a wonderful day :)

  9. Happy Birthday!! Both packages are great...thanks!! I've been interested in trying a running belt so I'm hoping to win yours in the giveaway :)

  10. I am not entering, but happy happy birthday! I hope you have a fabulous day. And I love that you are doing a giveaway to celebrate! I need to remember to go a giveaway for my 8 year blogiversary, which is right before my bday in July. I meant to last year and forgot. LOL.

  11. Happy happy birthday, congrats on the Nuun team, and thanks so much for doing this!

  12. Happy Birthday! Great idea about the giveaway! By the way we are Birthday Twins! :) Hope you had a good day too.

  13. I just ran 14K as part of a relay marathon and have now committed to training for a half marathon (my first ever!) at the end of May! Prize 1 would definitely come in handy. :)
    PS, I am living in Germany right now but I have a mailing address in America where all my mail goes... Please don't disqualify me? Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!

  14. Happy Birthday!! Mine is 10 days before yours! I am 34 though. :)

  15. Hippo Birdie Two Ewes
    Hippo Birdie Two Ewes
    Hippo Birdie Hippo Birdie
    Hippo Birdie Two Ewes

    Since I live in Canada I cannot enter...but Hapy Day nonetheless (ps - mailing to us isnt THAT bad ya know!!) xoxo
