
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Three Things Thursday: Another year

Geez - I can't get anything past you guys.

As the kind comments deduced, it was me turning 32 yesterday. Thirty-friggin-two. It's like the most unexciting number on the planet.

But, as it turned out, the day was the most exciting birthday I've had since I hugged trees along Court Street in Bowling Green, Ohio.

1. Even though Wednesday is typically a rest day, I knew I wanted to start the day with a run. There's just something about starting a new year on the right foot - literally. I opted to do the 6-mile negative split run on the schedule and set out in the dark of a temperate but humid morning. My legs were tired from a big week and were happy to take the first couple miles slow. I trucked along an unflooded part of the greenway that runs along a busy street. Head lights illuminated the quiet path and I fell into a slow rhythm with my steps, breath and thoughts. I spent many of the miles reflecting on that, year after year, I manage to start each one healthier and strong than the one before. It's an incredible gift to know that one is truly getting better with age.

2. Speaking of incredible gifts, my husband really outdid himself this year.

Mark usually requests a specific wish list from which he rarely deviates but he (and Miles) picked out this beautiful ensemble from the Loft. I'm really trying to adult-ify my wardrobe (aka not spend all my money on running gear) and, with a cute sweater, his selection will be perfect for the office.

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The boys were also very amenable to my request for frozen yogurt. I'm remained sweetener-free the past three weeks with the exception of Clif Shot Bloks but couldn't resist the free cup from Menchie's. Miles was more than happy to share with me, and it was nice to get out on the big day.

3. The most surprising even of the day, though, came at lunch when I saw a text from my BFF.

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I made the nuun Hood to Coast teams!

Hood to Coast is dubbed the mother of all relays, spanning nearly 200 miles from Mount Hood to Seaside, Ore. I am still in a state of shock and utter amazement that I was selected and get to participate. I wouldn't have applied if I didn't think I had a sliver of a chance but the women selected are amazing athletes, and I feel humbled and honored to be among them. The opportunity is fulfilling so many wishes and dreams - participating in a relay, visiting the Pacific Northwest and continuing to foster relationships with female runners - that I feel almost undeserving.

I look forward to meeting all of the women - check them out here - and running the event of a lifetime.

Don't forget to enter the birthday giveaway here - two awesome prizes!


  1. WOOHOO!! Congrats on making the team! You better come through on your awesomeness and braid some serious hair...

  2. Woo hoo! Congrats on making the team and Happy Birthday! (And also, Menchie's gives out free yogurt on your birthday? Mine is in 3 days and I must go there if they do!)

  3. Well done, Mark. That shirt is beautiful! And I love your perspective that you start every year healthier. I've never thought about it, but it's true for me, too. And that's encouraging!

  4. Congrats on making the team! And happy belated birthday!

  5. Oh my!! I am so excited to meet you! August can't come fast enough!!!

  6. Congrats on making the team! I can't wait to meet you in August and run this relay with you, all the other wonderful blogger ladies and Nuun!

  7. Congrats!! Can't wait for August. This is going to be so much fun!!

  8. Congrats on making the team on your birthday no less!! Excited for August!!

  9. First of all, Happy Birthday a day late. Looks like you had a wonderful birthday! Love the outfit. And second, CONGRATS on making the relay team. There was never a doubt in my mind that you wouldn't make it. You will be such an asset to the team. Hopefully you won't have to run in knee deep muddy water and in the dark. So proud of your accomplishments!

  10. So freaking excited for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Super cute outfit :)

  11. SO exciting about HTC! What an awesome birthday surprise! Glad you had a great birthday. The outfit is super cute and Menchies...YUM!! :0)

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  13. Congrats on making the team! You are going to have soo much fun and I'm so happy you get to have such an amazing experience!!
