
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Sleek, sexy and powerful

Let's talk about the things that are sore. My trapezius (upper, middle and lower). My lattisimus dorsi. My triceps. And, very locally, my gluteus maximus.

I'd like to say that I made significant gains in the amount of weight I am lifting in BODYPUMP or I finally made it to a box to try CrossFit. Rather, the source of my pain is two half-pound gloves.

And one pretty amazing day.

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On Sunday, I took another step toward Make Shit Happen 2013 and attended Piloxing instructor training at a local YMCA.

piloxing photo: Piloxing DSC01498.jpg

Piloxing is new-ish to the group fitness scene - the company has only been certifying instructors for about two years - and there are about 3,000 instructors (as compared with 90,000 Les Mills instructors). Created by Viveca Jensen, the format combines is an interval class that combines the cardio benefits of boxing with the resistance benefits of Pilates - with a little dance thrown in to keep it fun.

I took my first class a year ago and instantly fell in love. It was a fun workout that had me dripping in sweat and my muscles burning. It was also low impact - a welcome change from running. I've dropped in here and there, as my schedule and training allowed, but admittedly fell off the Piloxing bandwagon when my workout buddy got hurt.

A few weeks ago, though, I had a run-free morning and decided to revisit the studio. The class was just as fun as I remembered, and I recall thinking during the jabs and plies that if there was an upcoming training session, I might have to think about getting certified. And, if by serendipity, I was chatting with the instructor (who is also a Piloxing master trainer) and she told me about this weekend's class.

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The training is one day - an entire day - and includes a master class, discussions about the training principles of Piloxing, choreography review and form drills (for lack of a better phrase). I was initially worried about the choreography - I'm never going to be putting together Zumba dance numbers - but my fears were quickly put to rest when I learned that there is a set structure to the class and a set sequence of moves.

While it was a bit intense, it was such a powerful and empowering experience - much different than my BODYPUMP training. I spent the entire day soaking things in with an enormous smile on my face, feeling so lucky to not only be surrounded by an amazing group of women but to have come so far in my group fitness journey in just a year. 

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I'm hoping with my certification (there's no test or extensive video process like BODYPUMP) that we'll be able to add it at the gym - I have a feeling my Tuesday night BODYPUMP ladies will love feeling sleek, sexy and powerful.

And, you never know where those feelings might take you ...


  1. way to make shit happen!! Happy Birthday to you!!

  2. Good job! You're awesome.

  3. I love the make shit happen THIS year!! Congrats!! You rock!

  4. Woohoo! You rock girl! Btw, I still want that bag lol.. I'm totally going to have to order one.

  5. Awesome! I need to grow bigger balls like you. BTW, congrats on your hood to coast!! I was excited to see your name and a couple others I read on there!

  6. Awesome job!! Congratulations on certification! So cool! :0)

    In reading the previous made Hood to Coast?! Eeeep! So excited for you! Yay!

  7. Congratulations! This totally sounds like a class I would love to try :) Come teach it to me? LOL. Maybe I should come there :) Road trip?

    Are you nervous about learning the steps? I would be! Or does BodyPump have that sort of set structure too? Do they give you a soundtrack? :)

    1. If I wasn't worried about burning out legs, I'd so do a demo in a few weeks. But, you'd always be welcome in NE Indiana :)

      BODYPUMP has a very defined structure and quarterly "choreography." The timing and movements are all set to specific music so I have to memorize it. It takes getting used to but it's very doable. Piloxing has music available but you can use stuff within a certain bpm range and do your own mixes.

    2. Demo AFTER the race? I kid, I kid... ;)

      Thanks for explaining the difference!
