Friday, July 23, 2010

Temptation island

I'm so excited. For the first time in two weeks, I will get to see my husband and, for the first time in four weeks, he will be home for more than 18 hours.

Cue happy dance.

In an effort to prepare for his arrival, I decided to head out to the Historic West Main Street Farmers Market after work rather than hit up the Barr Street Market tomorrow morning. I was hoping to pick up some more tomatoes (yum!) and some peppers for the quesadillas on the menu for Meatless Monday.

I have never been to this market, which is held in a parking lot on the far edges of downtown. There were a decent amount of booths but no more than the Barr Street Market, and it definitely lacked the charm of the Saturday location. Plus, there was no Farmer Joe!

I did a round around the market before making purchases, the first of which was a giant cabbage and a jar of cherry preserves.

Denali thoroughly approved of the purchases.
Too bad he doesn't remember that he doesn't like cabbage.

The table was manned by an Amish dad and his child, and I couldn't resist the preserves. Operation: Clean Out the Pantry be damned! Amish preserves are the shiz.

I also picked up some zucchini, squash, tomatoes, spinach, green peppers and peaches.

After leaving the market, I was off to the devil mart to pick up dental floss and hopefully some Diet Snapple that I've been unable to find. One problem: I was HUNGRY. I passed a Dairy Queen, and I wondered whether I could eat ice cream for dinner. My 29-year-old self said, "No."

I passed a Lee's Chicken, then a Taco Bell, a coffee shop and, horror of all horrors, Steak 'n' Shake. You see, back in the day, I would eat me some Steak 'n' Shake. Double steak burger, fries, chili and a shake. So good and oh so bad.

I resisted, though, remembering that I had picked up peaches at the farmers market.

Please ignore how old I look in this photo. I had no idea a crow had nested on my face. UGH!

I grabbed one out of the bag and bit into the beautiful ripe fruit. It was so juicy that with each bite I had liquid dripping down my arms.

It was no mint Oreo shake but a fresh, uber juicy peach on a hot summer day is definitely a treat.

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