
Thursday, February 5, 2015

Let The Good Times Roll {A Three Things Thursday Post}

"Do you want the good news or the bad news?" Cap'n asked.

The news. I want the news – no games, I replied. It's mean to play games with me.

And so, he gave me the news.

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1. We won the lottery! Well, the lottery for the 2015 Bourbon Chase. Most of my team, the Pirates of the Bourbon Trail, is reuniting to take on the 200-mile course that winds through the Kentucky countryside and bourbon distilleries. I had such a blast last year that I'm excited to get to do it all over again – even if the hills made me curse like none other.

We are floating the idea of trying to qualify, for lack of a better term, as a charity team so that we can spread the joy we have on the experience to one of three organizations – Alzheimer's Association, CASA and Leukemia Lymphoma Society – that partner with the race. We haven't settled on this road nor an organization but Alzheimer's is a cause particularly close to my heart.

It would be a large undertaking, requiring us to raise $7,000 as a team but one that would be worth it. I did the math one night, and it would break down to less than $600 a person or each of us netting 24 donations of $25. It seems feasible when I look at it like this.

If anyone has any tips for fundraising, let me know so I can share it with the team!

2. You're in! I recently found out that I was again selected as an ambassador for Pro Compression. (I also continue my role as a Nuun ambassador.) The program was new last year, and the company is really looking toward making it gang busters for 2015. I was completely uncertain as to whether I'd get selected (I had to reapply) but I'm honored to be a part of the group.

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And, in case you haven't seen it, I thought I'd share the February sock of the month – Pink Hearts. I think they are adorable! I bought a pair the day they came out. Yes, they are great for Valentine's but I think they will look be cute for races that raise awareness for breast cancer. Use code HEART to save 40 percent on all pink socks and sleeves.

3. It's back!

The mid-season premiere of "The Walking Dead" is Sunday night, and I'm so excited to have some good TV to watch. Mark and I have been settling on episodes of "Mountain Men" and "The Incredible Dr. Pol" on Netflix for weeknight entertainment. It will be nice to have something to watch besides prolapsed uteri and cow-killing wolves.

I also heard that the third season of "House of Cards" will be released this month (Feb. 27) on Netflix. It should be just enough to get me through till maternity leave, when I plan to re-watch/catch up on "Parenthood."

Anything good happening in your neighborhood?


  1. Congratulations on both of your continued ambassadorships! I think that's awesome! I also think the sock of the month is adorable and I think I'm going to bite the bullet and get them! Oh Parenthood ... gahhhh .. I am going to miss that show something terrible. It was just brilliant. I think I need to tap into House of Cards. I'm coming to the end of my Sons of Anarchy run. I love binge watching an entire series. It's so wonderful .. and yet miserable when it comes to an end!

  2. Those socks are super cute and congrats on winning the lottery! Time to go to Disney...or just run the Bourbon Chase:)

  3. My grandmother died of Alzheimer's so it's dear to my heart as well. I would donate! In my two seasons with Team in Training I raised about $11k. The key is not being afraid to ask for donations. I sent emails talking about training and relating some stuff back to the cause. I also did events to raise money. There are a lot of businesses that will donate to a silent auction or allow you to receive a portion of proceeds on a certain day. I did a dinner at California Pizza Kitchen and they gave me 10% of the proceeds of everyone who brought in the flyer.

    I've been watching Parenthood during my runs lately. Horrible idea but I just cannot stop.
