
Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Getting Over the Bump {Weekly Recap}

I'm linking up with Jesica at Runladylike to share my week in fitness.

I've started this post a million and one times, each draft ending with me whining and throwing the grandest of pity parties.

Running didn't go great last week. I'm getting slow, like a lot slower. My friends are too fast and getting faster. My belly is getting bigger – my ass, too, probably – and it's manifesting itself in a tight lower body. The feeling of invincibility I once had has been replaced with mediocrity.

In summation: Shit is not feeling great.

The thing is, I knew this was all going to happen and, had you asked me six months ago, I thought it would have happened a lot earlier. Things kept going well and part of me started to believe that it would never happen.

But it has. As my friend put it, I'm like really pregnant now (30 weeks/7.5 months). I have to put my big girl panties on (some really big girl panties) and deal with it. Or, I could stop running. However, I'm pretty sure Mark would fear for his life if the only reason I stopped logging miles was because I was acting like a petulant child, and I am fairly certain I will need him in 9 or so weeks and for the 30 years to follow.

As such, I promise this to you: No more bitching about pregnancy and being slow. It is what it is what it is.

So how's that for a recap?


Monday | Barbell class
Time: 45 minutes     

Tuesday | 5 miles, treadmill progression
Time: 48:26     Pace: 9:41

Wednesday | Barbell class
Time: 44 minutes 

Thursday | 6 miles, treadmill
Time: 1:00:30     Pace: 10:05

Friday | 4.06 miles, with Tami
Time: 41:25     Pace: 10:12

Saturday | 7.2 miles, with group
Time: 1:14:16     Pace: 10:18

Sunday | Rest

 photo IMG_3410_zpsyjk0t0oq.jpg


• Running with Tami on Friday. The run itself wasn't all that great. The sidewalks were treacherous in places despite our best effort to find a safe route, and it was quite windy. However, we had fun while we were out there and even more fun celebrating at Starbucks after we finished the 4 miles. You cannot go wrong with coffee + Salted Caramel Cake Pops at 6 a.m.

• I wasn't able to keep pace with the gals I normally run with on the weekends but the change in pace gave me an opportunity to run with a relative newcomer to the group. She's coming back from an IT band injury so we haven't been able to run together much over the past few months. The 4.2 miles we shared was a great time to chat and (re)connect, as well as celebrate the calm before the storm.

• Hitting a January mileage PDR. The month came in at 98.09 miles, beating last year by more than 10. I'm not logging the farther runs on the weekend but I've been more consistent with my weekday mileage than I have in year's past.


I'm not posting any because I've been snarky enough. Also, I have a perfect life and would never struggle. Not ever, ever.

How did your week measure up?


  1. Awe .. I'm sorry you had a rough week. Up side? You look ADORABLE in that picture! haha .. I love it. I still think you're going to come back STRONG after baby boy is born because of this fitness you've maintained!

  2. Sorry about the mental/physical hurdles. Would it help you to know that your slow, 30-week-pregnant pace is still consistently faster than my non-pregnant, pretty-fast pace? .... No? Well heck, I tried. Seriously though, make some slow friends, they'll give you the mental boost you need.

    (I'm hoping to get pregnant again sometime this year and will be rereading ALL your posts as motivation to keep running :) )

    1. I think the mental hurdles are the worst. Can I blame the hormones?

      And you are right on the slower friends! There are some members of the running group who are in the 10+ range, and I'm going to start seeing if they are going to be at the weekend runs before I go. It's a chance to meet new people and still feel like I'm the group.

      How exciting for a new baby! Your little girl is so cute (as I've seen on Instagram).

  3. Sending hugs....pregnancy is tough! And your pace at 30 weeks pregnant is still fast for some (myself included!)! Don't beat yourself up too are growing a human inside your belly. <3

  4. Thanks so much for linking up with me for our weekly recaps. It is so fun to track each other and create more accountability. You may be feeling down on yourself but I think you are KILLING IT! The amount of exercise you are doing while so far along in your pregnancy is truly amazing. Don't forget to see the awesomeness in your exercise. It is truly inspiring how much you've been able to keep up. You'll be back at it with your fast friends in no time. xoxo
