
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Weekly Training Update: 9/16-9/21

Race week is here. Do you know what that means?


I know people can feel unsettled during taper but, oh, how I welcome this one. Even though things dropped off last week and I ran a couple miles less than plan, I was still around 27 miles with two quality workouts. No joke, if you ask me.

Between frustrations with my watch and being reacquainted with teaching two classes on Thursday (and subsequent DOMS), everything felt like more of a struggle than it should of. It is done, though, and that's important.

The good: Running with a new face on Saturday. Don't get me wrong, I like the people I run with but adding someone makes it that much more fun. The bonus: She ran faster and did better than she thought she would with the group.

A little note about the long run: I ditched off to go to the bathroom and told them I'd catch up. It took me almost a mile to do so, and I ran that one at 8:20. My long run pace is 9:30ish so to do that in the middle of a long run was fun ... ish.

The better: Even though I threw the plan out the window on Friday, I actually fell into the pace I needed (8:50 for 4 miles) and it didn't feel crazy hard, even on sore legs. I don't feel as confident as I'd like for Saturday's race but being able to do that was a nice boost.

The best: TAPER! And knowing that this training cycle is almost over.

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The week, in training:

Monday, Sept. 15

Tuesday, Sept. 16
RUN | 7.4 miles
Time: 1:04:06     Pace: 8:39

Wednesday, Sept. 17
RUN | 6 miles
Time: 57:49     Pace: 9:38

Thursday, Sept. 18
CROSS TRAIN | 30 minutes indoor bike

CROSS TRAIN | Boot camp + Ripped

Friday, Sept. 19
RUN | 6 miles
Time: 54:00     Pace: 9:00

Saturday, Sept. 20
RUN | 8.1 miles
Time: 1:15:12     Pace: 9:17

Sunday, Sept. 21


  1. Taper is currently messing with my head. Is that a knee pain I feel? Am I getting sick?

    This has been one crazy training cycle. I know you'll do great! I'll be interested in hearing how you think this training plan worked for you.

  2. Great week!! Taper well!! This is where all the "work" is absorbed! You are totally ready!! Have an awesome race! Be positive and confident!! #yougotthis
