
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Weekly Training Update: 3/17-3/23

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A ridiculous and shameful selfie. I am so sorry. I pledge to make an effort of taking workout photos for these posts.

WEEK'S WINNER | I challenged myself to lift a bit heavier this week, and it was nice to know that I can do it and not feel ridiculously sore. I think I (or we, as runners) sometimes shy away from heavier weights as to not wreck our legs and affect workouts. However, an interesting study reports that endurance-type training - like Bodypump - does not improve athletic performance. Runners, rather, will see gains from heavy weights (think four to six reps per set) and explosive movements, such as plyometrics.

WEEK'S LOSER | The treadmill. I realized during my tempo run that no matter how scared I am of not hitting prescribed paces outside, the benefits (mental, especially) of being outside far outweigh the fears of not measuring up. On the upside, my co-worker was waxing on about the benefits of Garmin's virtual pacer and how much he enjoys using it. I had to laugh because he got his Garmin for Christmas and is using these features; I've had a Garmin for four and not done one thing but locate satellites and press start.

HONORABLE MENTION | An attempt at an early morning workout. It's been ages since I've gotten up at 5 a.m. - and oh do I have excuses - but I set the alarm and tried to get on the bike. I had the tires pumped and my Kindle ready. I even had 10 minutes at a low cadence before I heard the screaming of, "MAMA! I WANT MY WAFFLE." The workout (and a great early run today) made me realize that I'm far happier and more positive when I'm active earlier, and I'm not trying to cram shit in between daycare and work.

Monday, March 17

Tuesday, March 11
RUN | 3.3 miles
I had some scheduling issues so I headed out on an evening run with the dog. Denali decided it was drag ass night, and I seriously could not get him to pick up the pace. It's time from him to do the Rug to 10K plan.

Wednesday, March 12
RUN | 4 miles (failed tempo)
I had 6 miles, total, on tap with 4 at tempo. I managed the warm-up, 2 miles at pace but couldn't hack it. I finished the fourth mile with intervals and called it a day. I tried this on the treadmill at the Y, and it was unbearably hot. So that's my excuse.


Thursday, March 13
CROSS TRAINING | Indoor trainer, 8 miles
I tried to get up early and do the workout but I swear Miles heard the moment my foot hit the pedal. I did 10 minutes before making his breakfast, and I finished up with him playing the basement. I tried to coax him to ride his trike down there but he wasn't in it. So I gave him the Kindle with Diego and stared at myself in a mirror. Totally rad.

I went a bit heavier and totally tweaked my back. Apparently, I shouldn't be doing bentover rows with a 45-pound bar. Time, my EvoFit enso roller and a gracious, accommodating husband have been the only thing to ease the knot and soreness in my mid back.

Friday, March 14
RUN | Hill(ish), 7 miles
My plan called for 6 x 4-minute hills, which don't exist in Fort Wayne. I could do it on the treadmill ... or just run the hilliest route by my house. Easy choice. I took advantage of Mark being home from school, and I did this about 8 a.m. I tried to keep a strong pace to make up for my scrapped tempo run, and I feel good that I held sub-9 for the run.

Saturday, March 15

CROSS TRAINING | Chasing Miles at Target
No nap = no trainer ride. We shopped instead, and Miles charmed teenage girls by pushing a toy princess grocery cart around the store.

Sunday, March 16
RUN | 14.6 miles
This will be the longest run of this half marathon cycle, and it might have been the best. I met my buddy Joe, who was using this run as a gauge as to whether to run a spring full. The conditions were, by far, the best all winter and only a headwind on the first half. I felt like the miles ticked off and fairly strong through the first 12 miles.


  1. I find strength training to be so important to our ready!! As much as I hate iron strength, I do it!! It's been amazing. You should try it. You can watch the video at runners world and search iron strength. it doesn't seem tough until you do it. My husband made it halfway before he said no thank you. As much as I hate pumping the iron sometimes I still do it, and actually feel good afterwards. Good luck on your upcoming race!!

    1. I have heard of Iron Strength but haven't tried it. I will definitely look into that! I am always looking for a new workout.

  2. LOL at Rug to 10K! Thanks for making me smile.

    Lifting heavy is super fun. You'll love it.

    1. I do what I can :)

      I think that I'll really like lifting heavy. Mostly because it will make me feel like a bad ass.

  3. I love lifting heavy! But that is because my strength is my only asset. Ha ha ha.

    Do you think you will check out the virtual training partner on Garmin? When we got one in 2008 it came with it on, and boy, is that thing ever annoying - all the beeping. Ha!

    I hope your back is better! And so happy you had an awesome long run!!!

    1. Gah! Forgot one thing! Good for you on the early am workout. Those make me feel the best, too! I hope you get them back in your schedule! :)

    2. You have lots of assets. HA!

      I am considering the virtual training partner for a run this week but we'll see. I hate to be annoyed. More, I hate people telling me what to do.

      My back is finally better. It was so weird - it didn't really affect ADL or ROM but just made me stiff when I sat too long or twisted in my seat.

  4. Great job on the early AM wakeup! I'm trying to get onto that train too. I'm starting a new job, so I think a new workout schedule will also be in order.

    1. Good luck with the new job! I always find it's easier to get up earlier when it's warmer so I'm hoping that spring will kick off the early a.m. workouts.
