
Monday, March 24, 2014

Hydration woes: Training tales

I have a drinking problem.

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Sunday, as I drove home from a play date at my friend's house, a play date preceded by a long run, I realized that I had not one, not two, not three ... but FIVE water bottles in my car, three of which that belonged some kind of hydration system. (The other two are Nuun Energy bottles because this momma needs all the energy I can get.)
It might seem that at first glance that I just have a shopping problem or suffer from indecision but that's not the case. Just as I've struggled with the weather this winter, I've struggled with my hydration. I don't want to drink when it's cold. I don't. I've also had problems with hydration systems that once worked no longer doing so.

Example: The Amphipod waist pack. I had switched to that pack, which I received as part of my Nuun HTC swag, after experiencing crazy chafing from my Nathan Sports speed belt during the Veterans Marathon. I had a few successful runs with the pack only to be nearly cut in half a few weeks later. I just couldn't get it situated without bouncing - whether it's a big booty, big belly, big hips or user error - and suffered the consequences.

I hauled out the Nathan Sports VaporShot for the next long run. It's 20 ounces (or 22?), and I knew it would be enough for that day's 12 miles.  But as it's bigger, it's heavier, and I wussed, out, deciding that I didn't want the extra weight to carry. As luck would have it, we ran a 3-mile loop and returned to the cars to pick up another runner, so I grabbed a drink and had nothing for the remaining nine miles.

Not good. I know it is not good.

This weekend, I spent some hard earned cash on the QuickShot handheld while visiting the running store for its 10th anniversary. It's only 8 ounces but I figured 8 ounces was better than zero ounces. I filled it with water and set off for my long long run of this training cycle - 14 miles, which ended up being 14.6 (and, yes, the 0.6 matters).

I was showing it off to my run buddy Joe, who was obviously impressed by the turquoise and coral color scheme, and we got on the topic of fueling and hydration. Not only have we (read: me) struggled with a mode of delivery for hydration but a schedule. In the summer, it's easy to work on a plan for hydrating during training because you are thirsty. Sip every mile. Two sips with every Gu. When it gets super sucky, sip every half-mile.

Winter is a bit trickier - thirst levels, bottles freezing, trying to avoid wet hands. So I'm three weeks out of my half with no plan and probably underhydrated.

I blame Miles on the last one. After all, he's the one with the Nuun bottle and the chocolate milk. Silly kid.

Tell me: How do you hydrate? Tips for drinking through winter?

Don't forget ... today is the last day to enter my Pro Compression giveaway HERE.


  1. I'm terrible about drinking in the winter too (and even in the summer). I'll fill up my fuel belt and only end up taking a sip or two of water when I GU up. And that's it. I've found that since I drink water non-stop during the day that I tend to not need as much during a run. That's my excuse anyways!

    I hate handhelds and only use my amphipod belt. But the bottles freeze in the winter, so sometimes I can't take a drink even if I want to!

    1. Stupid winter. The wind was so brutal last week that Joe's bottles froze.

      And I like your excuse. It will now be mine.

  2. On long runs that do not loop I wear the new Jenny collection Ultra Vesta from Ultimate Direction. (I can carry everything and have my hands free) On the short looped long runs I can get away with my Amphipod Handheld.
    If it's really cold I can throw a hand warmer in the pockets to keep it from freezing.

    I normally take a sip every 1/2 mile to 1 mile especially since I switched my fuel to Tailwind Nutrition (Naked flavor) and it mixes really well with Nuun so I get electrolytes and calories all in one sip. Kept me from bonking during my last 2 20 milers.

    1. I have never heard of this Tailwind Nutrition. I am going to look into that!

      I'm hearing more and more about Ultimate Direction - might be worth checking out.

  3. I too have issues with hydration. I used to wear my Fuel Belt every long run. As it turns out, I hate it. I wore it this weekend and it made me feel so heavy. Not to mention I have to velcro it around my natural waist so that it doesn't bounce all over. I don't like it. I have a CamelBak too that i wore for the NWM. I like the idea of it because it's hands-free, but it also bounces a bit. I just look forward to race day telling me when to hydrate.

    1. Ha! At the third sentence. I think we just need an elite table for every race.

  4. This may not apply to the half marathon distance, but... on runs of more than 90 min or so, I eat every 15 min, starting 30-45 min in. I use timed intervals on my watch as a reminder, and I take a drink every time I eat (or more often if thirsty).

    I use either an Ultimate Direction handheld (so-so, don't like the leakproof but also drinkproof [for me at least] nozzle) or a Nathan Intensity hydration pack (love it, esp since I tend to carry all my own nutrition). I drink plain water and take S-Caps for electrolytes. For nutrition, I shoot for 200 kcal/hour, usually a mix of Larabars, Picky Bars, Gu, and dates.

    1. I have the Intensity hydration pack and wore it once but didn't dig it. I need to try it again and see how it goes. I am not sure I'd do it for a race but definitely for training. (Joe is registering for a full so I might just train with him.)

      Are you cutting the Picky Bars into fourths and doing 50 cals every 15 minutes?

    2. I'm not that organized! I take a big bite (~1/4 bar) every 15 min. Same with Larabars.

      I agree the hydration pack is overkill for many races but I like having the space to carry stuff. For me, the pack is a comfortable fit and doesn't chafe, and it's very adjustable, but we have pretty different builds, so your mileage may vary.

  5. I have a tough time drinking in the hands get so cold that I can't carry my handheld easily and my middle squish prevents any kind of belt from fitting correctly. Lately I've been circling back after a few miles to pick up my handheld after I've warmed up. That helps...

    1. Maybe you should come to Indiana and I can circle back to you every few miles for water. Just a thought.

    2. I like the way you think :)

  6. I go through phases...some times I use a hand held (usually a camel back bottle I think it's 20 ounces) and other times my fuel belt...I some times wear my fuel belt higher than my waist so I can snug it up and not have any bouncing issues....I have an alert programed into my watch as a friendly reminder...I do sometimes ignore it, but usually not. Good luck!

  7. I drink a lot of water. Always! I think I drink less in the winter but still a lot. I am not sure how I do it. I drink 1 or 2 big glasses in the morning/breakfast. 1 mid-morning. 1 or 2 at lunch. 1 mid-afternoon. 2 or 3 at the gym. 1 or 2 at dinner. I have just been always like this! Sorry no ideas for you!! Good luck!!
