
Friday, July 19, 2013

Five for Friday: Things you will not see me do

1. Take excessive selfies for the sole purpose of blog/Instagram fodder. The other morning, when I ran 5 speedy miles in the heat and humidity, I felt the urge to document it. After all, I'm not sure it's possible for someone to prove she's worked out without taking the almost-cliche selfie. It took me far too long to get even this shot with my iPhone at which point I decided that I will spare everyone my post-run face at a bad angle with a ridiculous filter.

2. Go on a running streak. I don't get them. Yes, I see how they are motivating but I don't see how they are healthy or beneficial. From my spot in the back seat, it seems like it encourages risky behaviors and running through injury.

3. Start my day without coffee. I am trying to cut back on my favorite caffeinated beverage, choosing half-caff and stopping after 3 p.m., to help me sleep but there's nothing like a hot cup of joe in the morning. Even if it's 88 degrees.

4. Run without water. At least not in this weather. I've been planning routes around water fountains or sporting my Nathan Sports VaporDraw this week. The sun might be shining but the heat+humidity make it nearly impossible for me to go more than 1.5 miles without drinking. This morning, I had 24 ounces of lemonade nuun on my 6-mile run - and that's only because I ran out before I hit the 5-mile mark. (Don't forget to enter the giveaway!)

5. Eat lunch after noon. I wish I could make myself eat later but I always find that I'm ravenous by 10:55. I try to wait till at least 11:30 but sometimes it's a 11:10 meal for me. Like today. Let's just say: Thank goodness for leftovers.

What won't you do?


  1. I'm with you on 2-5. Completely. #1 though, I'm completely guilty of. I find the sweat pictures to be sort of motivating to myself actually. I'm sure people are sick of seeing my mug though :)

    1. I would consider more if I could take them properly. And I'm never sick of seeing your face :)

  2. I take tons of selfies, but mostly to mortify my children and then I just delete them.

  3. Haha -- we are so the same on 2 & 5. I don't think I would do a run streak either. I don't think my body could handle it. Maybe only if walking a mile counted.

    And I am always starving in the morning too. I even eat a morning snack, but am still hungry by 11.

  4. Last year my class had lunch at 11:30, but luckily I had planning from 10:30-11:30 because sometimes I was starving by 11.

    I am not a big selfish person. I'm more of a post a million pics of my kid kind of person. ;)

  5. What the heck is a run streak?

  6. I take a TON of selfies, but I don't post many of them, except on my workout recap. Let me know if you forget what I look like and I will start sending them to you ;)

    I sometimes wonder how I would feel if I drank coffee. Would I have all the energy I do in the winter when I eat healthier? Hmm.

    Run streaks. Yeah. No. I'd rather just run 5-6 days a week.

    Ha ha ha. There is A LOT of things on my "won't do" list and they reveal what a biz I am.

    1. I love your selfies. You look good in them where as I look dumb.

  7. I definitely won't do a run streak either. I love my rest days. And I won't leave the house without eating breakfast. I'm always starving when I wake up.

  8. LOVE! I will never chew gum or talk on the phone while working out. My two biggest pet peeves at the gym!!! How are you getting your sweat on if you are having a conversation while running???

  9. Yes to the running streak! I actually tried it at one point thinking it wouldn't be that bad but my body was not happy with me. Better safe than sorry!

  10. 1. Run without eating breakfast. Preferably a full breakfast. And coffee.
    2. Run around the parking lot/block/driveway for 0.216 miles, until the GPS gets to a round number. Actually, I don't have a GPS, which makes this one easier.
    3. Run a "warmup" before a 10K race when it's 92 degrees out. Saw people doing this at a race last week. Brave? Motivated? Whatever.

    1. Yeah. That warmup thing is beyond me. Good for you for running a 10K in that heat. Rock star as always.

  11. Did you read that Runner's World article on how overloading your running for a week can be good? I thought it was interesting and really counterintuitive, but sort of like a hardcore running streak.

    1. I just did - that's very interesting. Once you have this kid, let's take a week off of work, go to somewhere cool and just run the whole time. We might as well have some staff to give frequent massages and pedicures.
