
Monday, July 22, 2013

Dollar days

Kroger had fooled me before, and I was sure they were trying to do it again. But I grabbed the bag anyway, telling myself that it was at least worth a price check.

And so with a week's worth of groceries being bagged, I handed over the 12-ounce package of chia seeds that were stocked above a closeout tag -- marked down from $15.99 to $5.99.

"How much are these?" I asked the kind cashier who made no fuss that Miles was programming commands for the Death Star from the credit card machine.

"$5.99. Do you want them?"

Why, yes. Yes, I do.

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And so began my weekend of bargains. Also on my trip to Kroger, I scored to Lara Uber bars for $1.25 total - on sale plus coupon. Glad I got the bars on sale, too, because I wasn't enamored with them.

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A trip to the meat market garnered Chobani Flips for 50 cents each and Fage 0% Blueberry for the same price.

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A trip to the mall during last weekend's heat wave had me spying on some obnoxious workout shorts at Gap on clearance. I couldn't quite bring myself to buy them ... until Saturday when clearance was an additional 40 percent off. Two pairs of offensively bright shorts for $15? Don't mind if I do.

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The clincher, though, was at Children's Place. I normally buy Miles' clothes at the thrift store but 60 percent off clearance + a 25 percent coupon made me reconsider. We grabbed two T-shirts and these adorable shades, which ended up being 75 cents.

So. Worth. It.

Are you a bargain shopper? Come across any good finds lately?


  1. I'm a thrift store shopper too! I just found a practically brand new pair of Nike Air running shoes for FIVE dollars at Good Will. $5!! They seriously look like they just came out of the box.

  2. I was meh on the Uber bars too, but the original Larabars are the BOMB. I eat them on long runs instead of gels sometimes.

  3. Ghiardelli brownie mix- $1.09 at Aldi. I don't eat much from a box mix anymore, but that is one exceptional exception. Got a bunch of crochet hooks for 50 cents each the other day (rather than $3). But the best clearance purchase of the summer was a dress my husband bought for me from Eddie Bauer for 60% off a few weeks ago.
    I know where the clearance section is in every store. It's usually my first stop. And I know what stuff I can wait to go on clearance in our podunk region (like "fancy" brownies at Aldi... people around here don't buy anything they can't pronounce!).

  4. I love bargain shopping and am a huge TJ Maxx fan. You always have to find the secret TJ that has the good stuff. I love Philosophy bath bubbles and always find them at my secret TJ a couple tons over :)

  5. I was so inspired I went to and snagged 2 pairs of running shorts to try for less than $20. Thank you! Can't wait for them to get here and to try them on!

  6. I coupon and honestly, I don't remember the last time I bought something full price anywhere. It's such a great feeling!
