
Thursday, May 2, 2013

Three Things Thursday: First things first

This weekend is a big race weekend - and not just because I'm headed to Wisconsin for my goal race.

My BFF, in all her fabulous glory, is running her first half marathon on Sunday, and I couldn't be more excited or proud. Once daunted by the work of training for a 13.1, she committed herself to training and tackled each and every run on the plan. She made her life and the schedule work and is more than prepared to take on the race.

Physically, at least.

Even though she knows she did the work, put the hay in the proverbial barn, I know she's excited, antsy and maybe a smidge nervous. And so I thought I'd offer three tips to her and other first-timers tackling the half marathon.

1. It's OK to walk through water stops. Actually, it's more than OK - DO IT. It's important to give yourself time to properly take in fluids and collect yourself before tackling the next section of the course. There's nothing worse than trying to drink from a cup mid-stride and ending up with water in your nose. Detour: It's tempting to skip water stops early on. Don't. 

2. Fuel like you trained. Your stomach might feel different on race day than it had on your 10-miler through familiar territory, and that gel might not sound so appetizing. Unless you are going to wretch, take it as planned. Your body needs the carbohydrates, calories and electrolytes and getting behind on nutrition could haunt you later.

3. Soak it in. Look at the sites along the course and the runners beside you. Enjoy what the day has to offer you. The entire course might seem overwhelming but when you look at it in chunks, block by block, it's manageable and even enjoyable.

And that's what you want to do. Enjoy it - the race, the accomplishment and seeing the hard work come to fruition with a shiny new medal. You earned it.

What advice (or encouragement) can you give to a first-time half-marathoner?


  1. In addition to walking through water stops and taking that time: I'd say stop and pee. My first half I had to pee from mile 3 on but never stopped. And while I felt all badass-y about not stopping it was also pretty stupid. Don't hold your pee, people. Or your poo for that matter!

  2. I'd say enjoy the miles - this is your first half and you'll never get that feeling back.

    Good luck to both of you this weekend!

  3. Awww - I think you made me cry (I will blame hormones!). Thanks so much for the advice - I need it! xoxo

  4. Alright we are skirt triplets. I sense a trend here. Great advice! The first half is pretty terrifying. I'd add if possible drive the course first so you know what's in store. This helped me a ton in my first half. It's still the hardest, most hillacious half I've ever done.

    1. :) I'm wearing the skirt for the WI, too.

  5. Keep your goal pace for the first half, no matter what. If you feel great at mile 7 (or 10), then go crazy.

    1. I love this and am stealing it for myself.

  6. I wish you and your BFF the best of luck this weekend!

    There are already so many good tips. Here are mine tips for a first race, go out slow. I am horrible at taking my own advice, but going out too fast is a pace killer and can really hurt your confidence when you lose steam later on. Also, enjoy it. Take in the experience. Read the funny signs, give people high-fives and focus on achieving the distance.

  7. First and foremost, Good Luck to you this weekend. You are going to be great! Second, good luck to your friend as well. I am not good at giving advice because I am horrible at following it when it comes to running. I would agree that starting out slow is key. I have yet to master this. Smile for every photographer even if it hurts. This will be her first and if she finishes with a smile on her face, then I am sure she will do another one. And remember it will be a PR no matter what! Good luck girls!

  8. Best of luck to you and your friend! I know you are both going to do great! Love the tips you gave...all very true! :0)

  9. I still walk through every water stop!!!! Hope you two have awesome times this weekend and enjoy every minute. My tip would be to wear the same running gear that you trained in. Even if it's not pretty or not as cool as some of the gear at the expo, you know you won't chafe in it!

  10. Run your race.
    I always carry GU with me.
    I always wear my hydration belt.
    Do not skip any water stations
    It is OK to walk
    Have fun

  11. Awesome tips! How did she do? I hope she had a lot of fun :)
