
Sunday, May 5, 2013

Girls gone WI(ld)

Alternate title: Photo dump of random pictures from Wisconsin

I ran the Wisconsin half and crossed the finish line in a gut-wrenching sprint to the end, and I promise to give you all the dirty details.


But it would be rude, in my struggle to put experience into words, to deny you with this.

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After all, this weekend was more than just 13.1 miles and a few goals. The race was about being with friends no longer in the computer.

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Sarah and me post-finish

And thanking my lucky stars they didn't shank me for missing the meet-up because I was in the port-a-potty line.

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It was about meeting a fellow nuunie and future teammate Lindsay who is even cuter and sweeter in person. (I'm sure I'll see the twisted side come August.)

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It was about offering a toast to accomplishments and friendship.

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And, most importantly, eating a big burger after 13.1 miles. With a side of fries. Dipped in ranch.

Because that's how I roll.

P.S. I hate all of these ladies for looking 1000 percent better than me in these photos. I think I need to start wearing makeup to races.

P.P.S. Just kidding.

P.P.P.S. Sort of.


  1. Can't wait to hear more details from your race. I didn't realize you were running the half! I was out there cheering for my friend @HillarySpeaks who was running the full. (If you saw a group with vuvuzelas and a couple of cowbells, the blond girl was me!) Would have been great to meet some other Nuunies before HTC. We'll have to meet up soon. :D

  2. HAHAHAHA!! I freaking love this post.

    Come back. Julia misses you. She told me so a gajillion times (at least) today :)

  3. So happy to have met you! If you didn't know, It was me that yelled your name right before you hit the turn around point near Mile 8 :) We were right near each other the entire race. It may not have gone perfectly(for me either!) but it was a tough course I thought, mentally and physically with all the hills and out and backs.

  4. Looks like so much fun! It totally makes me wish I lived closer.

    Fries with ranch are the best, especially sweet potato fries. In fact now I might have to get some because I'm going to think about them all day long.

  5. So bummed I couldn't stick around after and play. Great meeting you at the start though.

  6. Yay! I love all these pics :) Let's go back to Red Robin :)

    Is there a place where we can see who all is on your HTC team? :)
