
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Spring? Spring? Where for out thou, Spring?

To be updated with more photos ...

As I flipped the calendar page to March, visions of early morning runs outdoors and family outings with the BOB danced in my head. I mentally unpacked my "seasonal" running clothes and dreamed of my offensively bright Nike Tempo shorts. Sunny, blue skies and paper white blooms colored my world.

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And then I opened the door. To this.

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I assure you that I'm not taking offense to my husband - at least today - but the 8 inches of snow Mother Nature decided to gift us last night. It was 8 inches of school-canceling, bring-out-the-crazy-driver foolishness that should not happen in March. January? Yes. February? OK. March? HELLS TO THE NO.

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Even though Miles look incredibly cute and Oompa Loompa-esque in his snow pants - the first time we've had cause to bust them out all winter - I just want it all to go away. I want the mornings to be a balmy (and safe) 40 degrees. I want to wear thin sweaters and skirts. I want to show off my pedicure in flip-flops.

And most of all I want sun and the need to wear sunglasses.

The Sunglasses Shop, which offers designer sunglasses from companies such as Oakley and Ray-Ban, recently gave me the opportunity to try a pair of SXUC frames. I went with a pair of aviators in an attempt to feel cool. Or at least a smidge cooler than a tired mom who listened to the neighbor kids play in the street until 11:45 p.m.

The SXUC frames are sturdy and stylish and while maybe not the greatest style for me, I love them.

And you can, too. The Sunglasses Shop has offered one reader a pair of aviators of her very own. To enter, visit The Sunglasses Shop website and tell me which style is your favorite. Additional entries can be earned for following The Sunglasses Shop on Twitter, on Facebook and Google+. Leave a comment for each.

The contest is open to U.S. residents only and will end at midnight Wednesday, March 13. The winner will be announced Thursday, March 14, and she will have 72 hours to claim her prize via email.  Disclosure: I was given a pair of Sunglasses Shop at no cost but I was not compensated for this post and all opinions and words are my own.


  1. Love your blog! Thanks for all the information on exercise.
    My favorite
    Ray-Ban 2132 Wayfarer
    Matte Black 622 52mm

  2. I guess I shouldn't mention that it's supposed to be sunny in the 70s here in California this weekend.

  3. Thanks for a great giveaway!
    My favorite is the Dior Pondichery Black sunglasses

  4. Nice giveaway! I've always wanted a pair of Ray Ban Aviators.

  5. I followed on twitter @runbakerace

  6. I liked on FB. I hate snow in March. Last year is was in the 80s and I was sweating my pregger butt off!!!

  7. My favorite are the Tom Ford marko Silver!!

  8. Isn't this snow ridiculous? The snow day was kind of fun though. We haven't had one in 2 years.

  9. We're in for 8-14 inches tomorrow. No snow all winter and here it comes in March. Of course, I"m finally feeling better just to be stuck in the house. The kiddos are so cute in their little snowpants and boots.

    Is it sad that I've never had a nice pair of sunglasses?

  10. I like the North Beach Mermaid's in black...

  11. I am loving the Ray-Ban 3386 Brown Gradient aviators!
