
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Bring on the random

I have a giveaway post to be published later today but I feel inclined to write something now. And for those of you tired of giveaways, this one is the last for a while.


I have a love-hate relationship with Facebook. I love, love stalking people and staying connected to those who don't float in and out of my daily existence on a regular basis. But I hate, hate, hate how Facebook manages to make you feel like crap.

Case in point: A recent comment on the FWTC page.

The track club posted on its page about logging miles this weekend after the snow clears. I mentioned that my nearby park is great, and it's easy to do a long run on the greenway without worrying about sections being closed to flooding. The next person posted that clear trails are for summer and she was going to be at a state park that's 45 minutes or so from the sitting, getting dirty in the mud and slush. Whoever posts on behalf the club agreed that COL was a great option for Sunday.

Great. Good for you. Except running trails and coming home caked in mud doesn't make your run better nor does it make you more hard core. And given that I already feel guilty each and every time I set out for a long run, leaving Mark with Miles duty, I'm certainly not going to leave them for four hours to log the 11 miles I hope to this weekend. Also, it's not like they can tag along. The BOB Ironman was made for running, not hiking.

So eff you and your little excursion. I'll be on the greenway with a stroller and my clean shoes.


I'm picking up the Tuesday night BODYPUMP class at the gym for a while (I think) as the instructor and his wife just had a baby at 23 weeks. (If you are the prayer sort, say some for them.)

Anyway, I was scheduled to teach and was counting on that workout last night. What I was not counting on was the weather closing the gym. And so I found myself driving to Pizza Hut to join the crew rather than the gym. I had already had a snack but indulged in breadsticks, broccoli soup and a half-slice of pizza.

As one can assume, the idea of an hour-long replacement workout was not that appetizing (pun intended). I opted to study my ACE materials for a half-hour and go all out for a half-hour in the basement, trying my hand at Tabatas.

The workout:
  • 5-minute Jane Fonda-esque warm-up
  • Tabata 1: Sumo squat high-pull
  • 1 minute jump rope
  • Tabata 2: Alternating lunges with hammer curl
  • 1 minute jump rope
  • Tabata 3: Deadlift with row
  • 1 minute jump rope
  • Tabata 4: Air squats
  • 1 minute jump rope
  • 3 x 1-minute planks
During the workout, I felt like I was working but didn't feel wiped after and so I worried it wasn't enough. My inner thighs and upper hamstrings are saying otherwise today.


Food poisoning might have gotten the best of me last week but I still managed to grab a cup of coffee and speak on a panel about weight loss during the most recent My Healthy City breakfast. 

There were two other people on the panel, both of whom had lost more than 100 pounds, and we discussed what we did, what worked and what would help others. It was a really interesting opportunity for me as every time I discuss my weight loss, I feel like I learn more about the journey to obesity and back.

The coordinator had some video shot and made it available online. It's a time investment to watch it all but there were some interesting points about skin removal surgery and relapsing.



Give me something random. I need entertainment. 


  1. Ahh!!! I can relate to topic number one completely today. I log a lot of my training runs during my lunch break here from work, we're located very close to a great paved trail. I am the only female that runs. There are a few other men who take advantage of this as well. One of which is a seasoned marathoner who does fairly well in his age group. I've been running for two years now. I have worked incredibly hard to get faster. I began at 11:xx miles and last week I ran a 7 mile pace run with an average pace of 8:44 .. HUGE HUGE accomplishment in my book. So today as we're walking out of a meeting he casually says to me, "So what's up with the 8:44 average?" I casually respond that I don't really know, just working hard. He then says, "I'm going to have to start thinking of you as a REAL runner with splits like that." ha. ha. ha. Hmmm .. I walked away thinking what an jerk comment that was. In reality I don't think he meant it as an insult at all. But it made me mad and I certainly took it as an insult. Sometimes I just don't think people hear the crap coming out of their mouths. You're definitely not alone. Being a running female (men naturally run faster without nearly as much effort) and also doing so as a mother (insert guilty feelings times a million) and it's SO much harder for us mother runners.

    1. Congrats on your journey! Gives me motivation and inspiration that I can improve my times.

  2. Um, I don't know about you, but I'd much rather not be muddy! People on fb and online in general amaze me. I just want to tell say it to me IRL because we all know you don't have the courage to!

    1. Yes! It's amazing the pass people think the Internet gives them.

  3. I have a love/hate relationship as well with FB. I don't post anything but I kinda love the train wrecks that do post the most inappropriate and random stuff. I always think people talk up themselves when they are insecure. I wouldn't want to be a muddy mess in the winter. ick!!! and freezing

  4. I'm with you...I'd rather run at the park, not in the mud! Great job on the workout and way to rock that panel even though you weren't feeling well! Totally couldn't tell!! :0)
    Something random...ummm...I can't think of anything entertaining. :0/

  5. I would rather run somewhere nice and clean and not be covered in mud. I hate when my good running shoes are caked in mud. I want them to stay pretty!

    Also I wish the class wasn't cancelled because i wanted to come and see what it was like! maybe next time I can when I am home on break again or this summer!

    1. Class was only cancelled Tuesday! I'll be teaching Saturday. Let me know if you plan to make it. I'll keep an eye out and let you try it for free.

  6. I went to a Greenways luncheon about a month ago and during their awards, Fort Wayne/FW leaders nabbed 2 awards...very impressed w/you city!

  7. LOL re: getting muddy in the park. Sigh. I met this woman at a trail race who was being nasty about the race because it wasn't hard enough, and saying how running the roads is for pansies. What is with people?! IRL and especially on FB!

    Ooo! Tabata! Haven't tried it specifically, but everyone says how great they are.

    How is studying going? I just finished the Nutrition chapter and was annoyed they wanted me to remember very specific things from the charts and diagrams. What the eff. Sigh. If you're wondering how much water to consume pre exercise, it's 17-20 oz, 2-3 hours before.

    1. Oh, good to know. I'll be sure to get up at 3 a.m. to consume a bottle of water before I get my stretch on at 5 a.m. Or I could just get up at 5, drink a glass and stop the DVD half way through to pee. Le sigh.

      Studying is good. I'm so curious as to how much I'm going to have to remember. Like all of the points effective communication or just be able to pick out a few. I'm going to earn myself one big beverage (in the 17-20 oz) range when this is over.
