
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Munchkin Munchies

Miles has a voracious appetite.

He'll eat nearly anything and everything - beets, broccoli, lamb, yogurt, apples and anything remotely resembling a carb. (Yes, he is my child.) So when Brittany at Healthy Slice of Life put out a call for posts showcasing what her readers' kids eat, I knew I was game.

When we first started feeding Miles solids, I went the conventional route - rice cereal and purees - but quickly transitioned to what I assume is a baby-led weaning approach as Miles sprouted tooth after tooth (we're up to seven) and spoon-fed methods became cumbersome.

Now, just shy of his 1 year birthday, he basically eats what we eats - with a few tweaks here and there.


This morning, we had a bottle at 5:15 a.m. and then a scrambled egg with cheese and half a Carrot-Zucchini Muffin at 6:15. After all, he needed to fuel for his 4-mile tempo run.


Lunch is up to daycare.The meals are always well-balanced and often feature fresh produce from our provider's garden. Yesterday, it was tuna macaroni salad with a side of cooked carrots and corn. One day this week, it was cheese, beans and whole wheat bread. A few weeks ago, it was ham and beet stew.

Afternoon Snack

Again, at daycare. I picked him up the other day and they were having peaches fresh from her tree and graham crackers. Miles wasn't into the peaches, which were awesome, but liked the graham cracker. He also has a decent sippy cup at this time.


I try to select dinner recipes that are Miles friendly or easily modified to be Miles friendly. I do not make two separate meals.

Last night, we had chicken enchilada stacks so I started Miles with corn tortilla, cheese, chicken and avocado. I also made a rollup with beans and a tortilla that I cut up for him. And he promptly pushed it onto the floor.

For whatever reason, he was quite unhappy last night. He didn't want to eat his dinner as evidenced by the pieces caught in Denali's hair but he didn't want to be down.

I refuse to hold him while I eat so I tried some leftover roast beef, which seemed to work. As he ate that, I warmed up some frozen broccoli.

Broccoli is his favorite, and I was glad to see him devour it.

Before bed, he gets another bottle and that's his day.


  1. Hopefully he doesn't become super picky. My son used to eat everything and now we're down to any sort of bread, yogurt, applesauce, olives, eggs and if we're lucky he'll eat what we're eating.

  2. Even though Charlotte doesn't eat much more than a teaspoon of cereal, I'm enjoying e munchkin meals post today. It's nice to see how other moms have approached the feeding sessions, and of course Miles is super cute and I love seeing photos of him.

    Also, I'd like to spend a day at Miles's daycare. That place sounds wonderful.

  3. So jealous if your aweosme daycare! Peaches fresh from the tree, veggies from the garden. Amazing. I have to pack Ella's breakfast, snack and lunch because I don't want her getting junk out of a can or anything resembling a hot dog.

    Glad Ella isn't the only one who throws food on the dog. :-)

    1. of not if. Is it the weekend yet?

  4. We're starting Phillip on solids next week (he'll be 6 months)!

    Our pediatrician told us we can bypass the purees if we want... I'm a little nervous so we'll see how that goes.

    We're starting him off with poi (a Hawaiian staple made of taro and water. I'm told it's an acquired taste) and then later avocado.

    I'm thinking I might use a hybrid of purees/baby led weaning- of course letting my son lead the way!

    Miles is so adorable =) It's awesome that he loves broccoli!

  5. do you have the recipe for the carrot zucchini muffins? they sound great! i have the opposite problem - mine won't eat much. luckily what she does eat is pretty healthy, but it's nearly impossible to feed her things like sandwiches or anything mixed (unless it's an omelet). i'm always looking for ideas.
