
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Kicking it into gear

Nothing like having a bar delivered to your house.

Well, a bar of the 15-pound variety.

For two months, I've been training and practicing BODYPUMP without the aid of a bar. Seeing as BODYPUMP is the original barbell class, it's kind of a necessity. I've made do with hand weights (not recommended for class because the weight distribution is not even) and a rolling pin.

Yes, you read that correctly. I've been practicing with a rolling pin. A wooden one if you are interested. And let me tell you, it's not easy to get the timing down on a bicep track when you are trying to lift a too short and very light rolling pin. You also can't practice shoulders, back or warmup either. It's probably why I've spent almost two months learning just six tracks.

Well no more.

Why yes, that is an iPod stuffed down my shirt.

I ordered the bar from Dick's Sporting Goods and after the bar arrived last night, I got to work. I went through warmup, back and biceps and then I taught the warmup, squat, back, bicep, lunge and shoulder tracks to Mark. It was amazing the difference the bar made. It helped with my timing and coaching - my two areas of focus. Even though I've made big strides, there's still room for improvements. (Coaching wise, I am really focusing on just explaining what I'm doing as opposed to being overly scripted or cute.)

The time is ticking to make those improvements, too. The deadline to have my video submitted is rapidly approaching, and Cory and I have been planning on me leading the July 7 and July 14 classes for that purpose. I'll be able to get used to be by myself and workout any glitches the first week and nail it the second.

Lucky for me, though, I'll have a trial run for the trial run this Saturday. Cory has some family obligations so I'll be leading BODYPUMP by myself. Just me!

It's a bit nerve-wracking but this is what I've been working toward so there's no reason not to be excited. Plus, I got a new outfit and we all know a new outfit brings good ju-ju.

If you are not one of the 5 million people running RnR Seattle and live in the area, feel free to get your PUMP on with me. Just leave a comment or email me and I'll give you the details. I promise it will be a good workout. Or at least I'll look sassy.


  1. be sure to post a picture of your outfit!! I just ordered new bicbands for my 4th of july run - so I look patriotic :)

  2. Woohoo!! Any chance it's Saturday evening? I'll be in FW!

    1. It's in the morning :( If you ever want to come, let me know. I have some punches on my card and you can try it on me.

  3. Count me in . . . with my woot woot and all!!! You're going to be amazing!!!!

  4. I wish I was going to be in town, I would love to come!

  5. Hope you had an awesome time teaching PUMP class by yourself! I wish I lived in the area, I would totally be there :). That bar looks heavy and I'm a wimp.
