
Monday, April 9, 2012

What a Ball

It might have been the lamest Easter on record.

We missed Mass because Miles decided to dump an entire water dish on his outfit just as we were walking out the door late. My last long run before the Martian was cut to 4 miles because Saturday's circuit class left me too sore to move.

 I couldn't get a crisp picture of Miles and his unremarkable Easter basket, which was full of plastic eggs with Cheerios, an Elmo DVD, a $2 bunny and a book. We spent the afternoon watching "Schindler's List" and swinging at the park. It was Lamb and Barley Stew for dinner. Dinner for us three.

But for as uneventful as Easter was, Mark, Miles and I did our celebrating on Saturday.

We met my brother, his wife and Grandma in Muncie for lunch at the Indian buffet and then headed to Minnetrista.

Minnetrista is the compound, if I can call it that, of the Ball family. As in the Ball family of Ball jars.

There is a museum, several houses and beautiful gardens on the property. Since we were visiting just to get more time as a family together, we stuck to touring the free natural areas.

We had an absolute gorgeous day for it - mid-60s, sun and a slight breeze.

And the early spring made for a colorful and alive walk ... that most of us enjoyed.

Miles napped for a good portion of our tour and woke up full of our energy ... for the car ride home. Yay for us!

This was the first trip that we made where Lil Man didn't sleep a wink during the travel portion. For 1 hour, 15 minutes down to Muncie and 1 hour, 15 minutes back to Fort Wayne, he was awake, chatty and in dire need of entertainment. Thank goodness that I finally realized that he could eat Cheerios. Those little O's provided plenty of distraction as I sat with him in the back seat.

Note to self: Plan all future trips around bed/nap time.

How was your Easter? More memorable than ours?

1 comment:

  1. Our Easter was pretty quiet too. Just the way I like it :)

    For the record, you can plan trips around nap/bed time but it doesn't always guarantee sleeping will happen. And if it doesn't? You are in trouble. (my younger daughter went through a stage where she NEVER slept in the car. sucked.)
