
Friday, April 6, 2012

Change in plans

Bad news for JB - she can't take advantage of the Hero Rush entry. So we have a new winner ... ROBYN!

Email me at hlthystrides at gmail dot com, and we'll get you going.


I made a decision last week. A big decision ... or at least a medium-size decision. I was going to cut out the speed work and focus on miles. I was going to forgo faster for stronger (i.e. endurance).

And, this week, I've stuck to it.

Tuesday, Mark and I ran 3 miles. OK, so that's not really in line with racking up mileage but Mark wasn't into going farther and I was sore from Piloxing.

Stats: 3.00 miles, 29:07 (average pace, 9:42)

Wednesdays are "Mom Needs Alone Time" nights, and I took advantage of my free time by bringing my running clothes to work. I changed in the bathroom and set out for a portion of the trail that I used to run before we moved last year.

I'm not sure whether it was the sweet obituary of the dedicated runner or the perfect crisp, sunny weather but I was in this run. It wasn't perfect, physically, but I truly enjoyed every minute as I ran along the river. The trees were colorful - purple and white flowers - the grass was lush, and I could smell lilacs.

My focus wasn't on pace, and I just let myself do what felt good.

Stats: 6.01 miles, 57:52 (average pace, 9:37)

Today was it, the work morning where I had to stick to the plan of more miles. I told Mark we were doing 5 last night, and he decided that he was going to push me for the 5 miles. So much for no speed work.

Of course, when we woke up at 5:30, I don't think he was all excited about pushing me. Hmph. I think I ended up doing the pushing - stroller and pace. It was a hard run and a bit chillier than I would have liked for this time of year (33 degrees) but it was nice to get out and even nicer to know that Miles and I can hang for 5 miles.

Stats: 5.0 miles, 46:30 (average pace, 9:18)

My higher mileage plan will be on hiatus next week as I taper for the Martian Invasion half marathon but I was happy with my efforts. I hit 14 miles in three runs, which is a couple more than I had been doing. It's so rewarding to set a goal and see myself taking steps to meet it. Feeling pride in myself is so much better than a number on the scale or the MOTOACTV.

What goals have you set? How are you working toward them?


  1. You rock - awesome job! It is sooo rewarding to make a plan and stick to it and then reap the benefits!

    Enjoy the taper and rock next weekend's race!!!

  2. Thanks! Writing to you now for the entry.

    And congrats on finding a training plan that you LIKE!

  3. "It's so rewarding to set a goal and see myself taking steps to meet it. Feeling pride in myself is so much better than a number on the scale or the MOTOACTV." Well said. I love it. My goal is to lift heavy and eat clean. I also need to get back into running because I have a Mud Run in two weeks. I am sure I can get it done but I want to be prepared. So my other goal is to run 5 miles 2 days a week up until the race.

  4. Off topic but used my motoactv when I went golfing today...very impressed using it for running but equally as impressed for golf.

  5. Nice job! I always did better with high mileage and not focusing in on speed. My current goal is to not eat my entire chocolate Easter bunny in one sitting :). Working towards my lofty goal by stashing in the freezer, cabinet or anywhere out of mind and sight. Can't wait till I have running goals again and can fit into normal pants.

  6. Just have to say that your post last week about cutting speed work and just getting miles in truly helped me!! I'm slow slow slow!! At my best last year I could do a decent run at a comfortable pace of 10:34. That was good for me. Now, after some serious health issues, I am getting back to my running but I am so slow! I don't mind doing speed work but just felt like I was getting nowhere with it. My plan now is to just get out there and do the matter the pace. Thank you!! =)
