
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Scheduling conflicts

It's all about routines with babies.

Or so I have heard.

For the most part, we have operated on the "no schedule" schedule, making Miles adapt to our lives rather than adapting our life to his. It's probably not the greatest of ideas and it's probably why we have been fighting bed time (though I blame the time change), why he comes to bed with us at 2 a.m. and rarely takes naps on the weekends. But whatevs. It works. Sort of.

 Not from today - obviously

There is one thing, thought, that has been constant: our morning runs/walks. Most days of the week, we head out at 7 a.m. to get some fresh air and exercise. All of us - Denali and I, mostly - look forward to it and it does us all some good.

However, after a killer run yesterday morning followed by Jillian Michaels and a light bike ride last night, I was not feeling it. The thought of my planned easy 2 miles was exhausting and all I wanted to do was feed my hungry belly. So. at 7 a.m., I sat Miles in the high chair, gave him is favorite toy (a plastic serving spoon) and made an egg white sandwich. Before I even got a bite, we had big fat crocodile tears streaming down his face and onto his bare chest. I picked him up. I gave him the remote. I tried feeding him his pumpkin oats. He wanted none of it.

What he wanted, as it turned out, was to get outside. I leashed up a more than eager Denali and strapped a fussy Miles into the stroller. The second we crossed the threshold, Miles was calm and I had quiet. For a mile and a half or so, we walked in peace - taking in the beautiful spring colors, admiring the blooming magnolia trees and smelling the daffodils and tulips.

I thought, for a moment, that he had fallen asleep but he was bright eyed and happy by the time we got home. He ate his cereal, played with a brush while I washed my hair and even let me wipe off some boogies. I did kill him about 300 times while I dressed him but even after that he was all smiles.

See, I told you.

What are you smiling about today?


  1. AH! I love his big smiles!! And his fluffy hair!

  2. He is a cutie for sure!!!!! Glad your family started the day off with a wonderful bout outside in this AWESOME weather!!!

  3. Yay!! I'm so happy Miles enjoys going out in the stroller!! Emilia hearts it too. but we're not on a daily routine the way you are.

  4. aww, what a cute story! it seems he does like the routine of the morning run ;)

  5. Awww I am smiling about that video today. LOL! Funny how all babies make that same noise. So adorable. :)
