
Friday, March 23, 2012

Nice rack

It was supposed to be a simple trip to Dick's Sporting Goods: Go in, locate Gu, buy two packets for tomorrow's 20K race and leave.

In. Out. $3.

Upon entering the store, though, I knew that I could get myself in trouble. Real trouble.  There was spring/summer apparel everywhere. The Nike skirt that I have been pining for since I saw it on a lanky girl in New Orleans and brightly hued tanks. There were patterned shorts and cute capris. And I wanted them. All. Of. Them.

I tried to keep my eyes on the prize but I quickly found myself searching for the youth section. I mean, Miles needs his own Nike shirt. I was then off to find a whistle for another project. Before I knew it, I was flipping through the racks and trying to determine just how much money I could spend without having Mark file for divorce.

That amount? I was guessing zero.

I walked away and found the Gu. I delighted in the discovery that they had the Peanut Butter, grabbed one and then a Chocolate Outrage. I headed to the checkout and was shocked to see that a pair of shorts and tank had leaped into my arms.

What was a girl to do? It's not like you can explain the situation to a store clerk. Fate had decided that I needed them and they needed me. Plus, the shorts were 20 percent off and I only have a few pairs for summer.

Note: I understand that these are obnoxiously bright but they picked me. I swear it.

If you have a better budget than me, here are some other outfits I'm digging.

YMX Elemental Flower Tank and Running Skirts Gold Ultra Swift Athletic Skirt - perfect for a short run followed by lunch

Under Armour tank, Sparkle Skirt, Old Navy Compression Shorts, Team Sparkle Race Legs and black sparkle BIC band - definitely a race outfit. I think it would be perfect for the Martian half marathon next month.

 Brooks Run Happy tee and Tempo shorts - perfect for an everyday run

Under Armour banded tank, Nike capris and Nike Free cross training shoes - perfect for Body Pump

What gear are you eyeing this season? Do you find it hard to pass it up?


  1. I can never walk into a sporting goods store and not spend a fortune! Heck, even Target's athletic dept. costs me a fortune everytime!!!!

  2. You can certainly tell where my priorities are . . . I am perked up hearing about pb gu at Dicks - woo! Ever since I heard you mention it - I've been hoping to find it locally and give it a try. Such a goob ain't I?

    Those outfits are all cute and deserve a good home with you. LOVE the outfit that actually jumped off the wrack and mysteriously into your hands - cute!!!

    You may have changed my life - you know me and fun colors - had no idea that Team Sparkle had cool leggings - NICE!

  3. I LOVE the "run happy" and the UA shirt - just added them to my wishlist!

  4. It's truly just so much more fun to run in something cute. I'm with you on loving the brights. So fresh and springy!

  5. I usually want everything when I go into a running store but that skirt is so cute. I have one of those "run happy" shirts in love sleeve and love it. The short sleeve version might be on my list.

  6. I love all of these!!!! Socute. Erica

  7. LOVE these outfits, so cute. I have no clue when it comes to pairing things together. If its not black or grey I have NO clue what to put it with :)

  8. I looooove all the bright colors. So cute! I've been eyeing no less than 342342432238 items, but have bought zero. It's taken all of my willpower and me crying to Ryan that I "neeeeeeddd" everything. Sigh, we need unlimited workout clothes budgets
