
Saturday, February 25, 2012

If the shirt fits

I’m not a fashionista by any stretch of the imagination. Nine times out of 10, I’m headed to work with spit up or oatmeal on my shirt.

The other one time?


Yeah, I’d be workout clothes.

But there’s one piece of fashion advice that I can share with you: If you are losing weight, there’s nothing more important than having clothes that fit. Sure, it’s can be fun to see how baggy your shirts can get and pull off your pants without unbuttoning them. However, well-fitting clothes will help you to see the physical effects of weight loss and make you feel better mentally. (Read: If you look dumpy, you’ll feel dumpy.)

It’s for that reason that I invited L to go shopping with me. My girl is dropping the LBs and is looking good. Her pants are loose, shirts hanging off – definitely reasons to get some new duds. When I was losing weight, I often went to Clothes Mentor (a consignment shop) to pick up basics but lucky for L, I had received a couple coupons for two free Best Tees from Old Navy via Crowdtap and Old Navy’s Sample and Share program.

Disclosure: My participation in Crowdtap is not related to the blog nor was I compensated. I’m just choosing to share our shopping adventure with you.

We hit up the store after Body Pump and Zumba … and lunch … and started eying the goods.

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All right, all right. I got a little distracted from our task at hand. Cardigans, butterfly dresses and running jackets with thumb holes are hard to ignore!

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L picked up two V-neck vintage tees – one in a gorgeous aqua and the other in a vibrant pink.

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I originally grabbed a couple racerback tanks but later found out they weren’t part of the deal (even though that’s what I had seen on the website). Womp. Womp. I ended up with two ribbed tanks – one in blue moon and one pink striped. It might not have been what I wanted but I wear the crap out of these in the summer so it’s no biggie.

And I’ll be back for the racerbacks. After all, what better what to show off all my work in Body Pump than a fitted tank.


Miles, who was shopping with us, refused to leave empty handed. I found him a lion hat on clearance for $2.97. I bought it in the hopes that it will fit him next winter! Rawr.

And as for my winter wardrobe? Well, it got a little addition.


Check out the coat I got for $9.97 – originally $89.97. Booyah! Even better than that? It’s an extra small – two words that I never thought I would see on a clothing label in my closet.

Oh, and before I go, remember when I said I wasn’t a fashionista? Yeah. Just check out my legging, fleece, fake Ugg combo. I so wasn’t lying.

Are you a fashionista? What clothing tips do you have for someone losing weight?


  1. What an excellent post!!! More importantly - what a fantastic day!!!!! Thanks friend!!! You're the best!!!! HUGS!

  2. so cute!!!! I want to go shopping! wait I just laid down about $300 at Target - opps.

  3. Very cute. I need to take a shopping trip! Erica

  4. WOW! I always read about you on Lisa's blog but never had been to yours. I didn't know your background and would have never thought that you were ever a bigger girl! Your amazing and Lisa is so lucky to have someone in her life like you. PS LOVE LOVE LOVE our son's hat and your coat - too cute.

  5. For the longest time, I didn't want to invest in "fashionable" or expensive exercise clothes because I felt they would be my reward for when I finally started taking exercise "seriously" and doing it regularly. I always felt dreadful. It didn't help my motivation. Finally, I broke down and bought a few nice things for the bad weather. I think it's great to buy clothes that let you feel good when you wear them, especially if you're losing weight. If you can't afford new and expensive, shop the thrift store, catch the off season sales.

  6. I swear, running jackets with thumbholes have some sort of Bobbi-gravity in them. I always end up with one in my hand :)

    Glad you had such a fun shopping day - I'm struggling with a closet full of stuff that doesn't fit me too. I think I need to check out clothes mentor. My sister swears by them..

  7. Love the new coat and such a deal! When I was losing weight and getting smaller, I would go shopping and try on clothes that were not usually my style. Clothes I thought would never look good on me and with a new body, they did!!!

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