
Friday, February 24, 2012

Friday Love: Luck be a lady

Things are about to get crazy.

After bringing back WIAW this week, I thought I'd revive one of my old features - Friday Love. It might be just for today ... or it might not. We'll see.But since it's been so long, let's skip the introductions and get on with it.

Food. There's this not-so-tiny Greek restaurant not too far from our house that Mark and I love to frequent. I love the exuberant owner and his tzatziki sauce, and Mark loves the braised lamb over noodles with a starter of avgolemono soup. We'd probably eat there every week but since we try to rotate our dining out, we usually only make it once a month or so. In an effort to tide us over, I brought a little bit of Greek to us.

Homemade Avgolemono Soup and Greek-inspired grilled cheese.

I made the soup based on this recipe, subbing rice for orzo, and it turned out OK. I think I blended the eggs and lemon juice too much and it ended up a bit, umm, frothy.

The grilled cheese, though ... yeah. Wow. I had some white (gasp!) pitas in the freezer so I started with those. I added a slice of Provolone (broken in half, one for each side of the inside), raw spinach, diced tomatoes, chopped roasted red pepper and feta. I put it in the skillet and used the tea kettle, bottom covered in foil, to smash it down. Flip and smash some more. Very good.

Nutritionals on the sandwich: 181 calories, 8 grams fat, 12 grams protein and 15 carbs.

 Fitness. When I made my Martian half-marathon plan, I was very set on one thing: I only wanted to run three days a week. I didn't want the pressure of a fourth run as sometimes the mornings can be a bit hectic. However, with fake winter, my 5K and just a general desire, I have been running 4 days a week. And, I have to say, I'm quite happy about it. It just feels good to be running more - mentally, at least.

Life. I feel like such a lucky girl. And not just because I'm mom to the most beautiful boy on the planet. Come on, I'm used to that by now.  No, yesterday I not only won a giveaway on GU Energy Lab's Facebook page (I'll be receiving some of the new Roctane drink mix!) but I came home to find a sample from Procter & Gamble. And by sample, I mean a new full-size (desperately needed) Cover Girl mascara.

I often sign up for free samples that I see on Money Saving Mom so I'm assuming that's where it came from but I'm going to pretend the Beauty Fairy was pushing me to actually put effort into my appearance.

(Read effort as haphazardly apply minimal makeup in the car while parked in the parking lot of your office building.)

What are you loving lately?


  1. Cute shirt!! And hooray for giveaway wins - those are the best!

  2. Hooray for fake winter! Althouhg it lapsed back into real winter for a minute around here. But Sunday's supposed to be back in the 40s. Bizarro...

  3. yay! all good things which make it a good way to end the week. Love that shirt, so cute! things i'm loving right now? Hmm...the book I'm currently reading, the fact that I worked a half day today and took a nap, and that I bought some easter candy today..because it's never too early.
