Sunday, January 29, 2012

A good run and celebrity sighting

There are two things you should know about this weekend.

No. 1: I ran 9 miles (9.2, actually) for the "fun" of it.

No. 2: I met the winner of the marathon Olympic Trials, Shalane Flanagan.

Which do you want to hear about first? Did I hear the batch of White Chicken Chili that I just threw in the slow cooker?

Sorry. You'll have to check out my new menu page.

So back to my weekend. I ran 9.2 miles and met Shalane Flanagan. Since I ran first, let me chat about that. OK? OK!

I had 8 miles on the schedule for today, and I was counting on the run going as my Sunday runs have for the past few weeks - Mark joins me for the first few miles, shares stroller pushing duties and then baby wrangles while I finish up. However, Mr. Mark woke up with a 101 degree fever and running was out of the question. I was already feeling pangs of mother's guilt for leaving Miles all afternoon so I thought I'd take him and Denali for all 8 miles.

Of course, I was naive in this plan because I assumed that Miles would sleep for the entire run. Yeah. Not so much. I noticed that he was awake at 3.75 and at 4.5 miles in, he let me know that he was not happy and was not going to be a part of an 8-mile run. Thankfully, I was relatively close to home and I was able to drop him off just after 6 miles.

I feared that the last two miles would be difficult. My legs, already tired from Body Pump, would be fatigued from the stroller's resistance (+pushing it in the snow) and my mental game would not be there. However, as I set off alone, I had one of those rare moments in running. I felt like I could run forever. I was enjoying the activity so much that I missed my turnaround and ended up at 9 miles.

Crazy, right?

Onto No. 2. I met Shalane Flanagan.

She was the keynote speaker at the track club banquet and my new BFF. I mean, it was written in the stars - we have the same shirt from Target.

Shalane had a lot of great things to say, and she is very much a testament to hard work and believing in yourself. I took notes on the things she said but I'm too tired to go get them. It's not like you need a book report, though - just look at those arms!

How was your weekend?


  1. I am going to have to try the white bean chili! I will put it on my list for this week. Erica

  2. YAY!! (except for that new BFF part, let Shalane know I've got my eye on her!)

  3. that is so rad you got to meet her and her musclely little arms.

  4. you met SHALANE!?!?

    way freaking jealous! how COOL!

  5. awesome!!! i'd love to meet her too. i have met kara, who i thought was so sweet and nice. It's great to have these amazing ladies as role models (esp kara, being a new mom and all )

    and great job on the 9 miler!!

  6. you ran 9 miles for the "fun" of it? Girl could you bring some of that over here? lol

  7. <------ this girl is jealous that you met Shalane. How completely awesome.

    And way to get it with that 9-miler! I will be sucking some inspiration from you in the weeks coming up here. Oh, and I hear you'll be making an MI appearance at the Martian?
