Thursday, September 30, 2010

Three Things Thursday

Pre-workout fuel: Peanut butter bread
Workout: 30 minutes "Biggest Loser Boot Camp" and 2.2-mile walk with Denali

1. I was pretty proud of myself this morning. Not only did I put on pants to take out Denali did I drink a bottle of water before breakfast, I also took a bottle on my walk with Denali. The water on the walk was old hat when it was hot but I've been "forgetting" it lately and my H2O intake has suffered. Water really helps with recovery, flushing out toxins and general health, and I need to think about those things.

2. Especially when my inner thighs still ache from Tuesday's session with Jillian Michaels and "Shred It With Weights." I did the version on Comcast OnDemand, which may or may not have been cut to entice you to buy the DVD. With that said, I did like the workout but don't think it works if you use a weight instead of a kettlebell. I really felt it in my lower back yesterday, and I don't think that's where I was supposed to feel it.

3. Pain aside, I did the week 1/week 2 workout with "Biggest Loser Bootcamp." The DVD is an old favorite, and I was able to borrow it from the library. Lots of squats and lunges, which I apparently need to work on, and bursts of cardio. It's not as rigorous in terms of upper body like I'm used to so I might need to try it with a heavier weight (I used 5-pounders) to get the same effect.

3. Post script: I have some ideas for "what's next," which I'll share soon.

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