
Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Weekly Workouts

Despite a rocky start, I managed to log some decent miles last week.

 photo Screenshot_2016-06-29-15-17-39-1_zpsbm5hn3zr.png
Elevation from Tuesday's run in Cincinnati

The heat and humidity were just fierce early on – I recorded 74 degrees and 81 percent humidity at 5 a.m. for my Monday run – and though I should be acclimated, I am not. My stepfather's funeral Mass was on Tuesday in Cincinnati, which meant lots of feelings and adulting.

Oh, and running on hills.

I had naively thought that I'd go down this flat stretch, or what I thought would be flat, and get in a 5-miler with three at tempo as part of my last week of 5K workouts but I just didn't have it. I'm not sure if it was the terrain, the heat (again it was 70+ degrees and humidity), lack of sleep or stress, but I just didn't have it in me. I ran one decent mile, one OK mile and then I threw in the towel and jogged it in.

But, thankfully, two great longer runs with friends seemed to save the week and my mileage. I was just shy of 30 miles, which is the most I've logged in months. I'm feeling a smidge fitter, too, and I'm looking forward to starting marathon training on July 4 in a good spot.

The week in running:

distance | 3.2 miles
time | 28:47
pace | 8:56

distance | 5.2 miles
time | 47:19
pace | 9:05

distance | 8.5 miles
time | 1:23:42
pace | 9:50

distance | 7 miles
time | 1:06:17
pace | 9:27

distance | 5.5 miles
time | 48:57
pace | 8:54

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