
Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Weekly Workouts

"So you're one of those people," he said.

"He" was the kind man who took me up on my Facebook post in the run group for 8 miles at an easy pace – I was guessing 9:30 miles – early on Father's Day morning.

And by "those" he meant that I am possibly the person in a pack of runners who quietly, usually unintentionally pushes the pace.

He laughed. I laughed. And then I admitted that it was true. I never mean to pick up the pace or not run as advertised but it just happens. Mostly, when I am talking. I get excited about what I'm saying and, let's be honest, having a grown person to talk to that my feet follow suit.

But just as he was surprised at our 9:01 average for the run, I was floored. You see, after posts and posts bemoaning my lack of long runs, I did it. I got in more than 6 or 7 miles. Sure, it was 8.6 but it was more than anything I've done. I was worried I wouldn't be able to go the distance without significantly slowing down but there I was, that person on a run with somebody I never met.

Thankfully, he took it in stride. Literally.

And so that run capped off a decent week of workouts, giving me a much needed confidence boost with just a couple weeks to go until marathon training begins.

Here's how the week shook out:

distance | 5 miles
time | 45:41    
pace | 9:06

distance | 3 miles
time | 28:06    
pace | 9:20

distance | 5 miles
workout | 3 x 1-mile tempo w/0.25-mile recovery
time | 43:20    
pace | 8:40

distance | 5 miles
time | 50:16    
pace | 10:01

distance | 8.6 miles
time | 1:17:56    
pace | 9:01

1 comment:

  1. I also unintentionally pick up the pace, especially if I am venting about something. Then watch out, we're gunning it. Haha. Nice run!
