
Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Sick Days, Stroller Runs and Si's of Relief

Let’s play catch up!

“I want to go home, Mommy. I’m just too tired and stressed out.”

Stressed out? Really, Miles.

But as we stood in childcare at church last Sunday, he was insistent about leaving. When I said no, he told me had a fever. I said no again because … obviously, he didn’t have a fever.

Except he did.

He had a fever that would not go away. From 103.3 at its highest to 101.5 at its lowest, Miles battled a high temperature from that Sunday until Saturday morning. He missed four days of school, spent two hours at Redi-Med, took multiple naps and watched an entire season of “Bo on the Go” and three Netflix rentals.

In other words, it was hell – for everyone.

I missed two days of work, Mark missed one and my mother-in-law worked from home the fourth. I spent the days I wasn’t with him worrying and the days I was with scouring the house and trying to force down liquids.

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Through it all, as selfish as it sounds, I was glad that I was in recovery mode from the Carmel half marathon. There was no time for logging long runs, especially as Mark is in the thick of track season and the luxury of 3:30 afternoon runs are at the oval. I could have gotten up early (I did once to meet Tami) but the uncertainty of how things would play out day to day made it challenging.

Thankfully, Miles was amenable to riding in the stroller on a couple of occasions – even though the bribes of treats and stops for cookies at the neighborhood coffee shop held no interest. For the two outings (3 miles and 4 miles), he was often quiet and thoughtful, so much so that I thought he had fallen asleep. I nearly felt guilty for taking him but my grandma assured me that some fresh air, especially when it is mid-60s and sunny, is good for every body.

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On my part, I forgot how challenging it was to run with the stroller. Oof – especially on the hills. However, it could almost be considered an advantageous decision in reverse taper as I rarely look at my watch when pushing the jogger as I have one pace – BOB. I just ran for peace of mind and to get a break from the confines of the house.

Adding to the stress level of the week was the appointment with the developmental and physical therapists from First Steps. I had been looking forward to and dreading the 10:30 a.m. evaluation for Si for weeks. I couldn’t decide if I wanted them to say that he was delayed enough for services or confirm the feelings in my gut that he was fine but completing milestones in his own time.

The two arrived at the house (early!) on Tuesday for the appointment. For those curious, they began talking to me about my concerns and observations as they unloaded toys from their bags. As we talked, the two basically played with Si to see how he moved and interacted. One put a block on her head to see if Si would do it and the other tried to encourage him to cruise. I was rather surprised when he responded fairly well to the therapists, not so much in performing in a desired way but not getting upset and demanding to be held.

And, of course, he decided to stand without support and cruise for the first time while they were there. I swear this kid lives to prove me wrong.

After about a half-hour, the therapists entered their observations into their system and then went over the results.

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The gist: He should be doing certain things (making consonant sounds and walking) but he’s hit enough milestones that he doesn’t require services at this time. He didn't show any signs of any social-emotional-anxiety problems as described by my daycare provider, and the issues there might be frustration or environment. They want to re-evaluate in three months, assuming there are still concerns. Silas, the physical therapist said, may start to walk and just take off. As for the speech, the evaluation forms don’t focus on the consonant sounds until 15 months.

And, of course, again, this weekend, he started making a “B” sound.

Hopefully, this week will be a bit more normal … if there is such a thing.


  1. Aww man, I hope your week is more normal and that Miles is 100% better!

    That is good news about Silas... right? Is there anything they want you to do, since you said it might be environment or frustration? Or just let him make the progress on his schedule?

    1. It's definitely good news. The therapists gave us suggestions to help him along – ways to encourage him to cruise and speech games (like using an empty toilet paper roll to make fun sounds). I realized that sometimes we do things around him and not with him so we're working on getting one-on-one activities. As far as daycare, I think it's just the dynamic of the older kids. They have cracked down a bit and the ability to go outside has helped, too.

  2. Poor kiddo. That is one nasty bug he got. Glad he's on the mend.

    Silas just seems like a boy on his own timeline. I'm glad that it was positive news and he made some moves this week. That feeling of wanting but not wanting to qualify for services is so hard. It's a relief when they don't qualify but hard because you want some back up to get the ball rolling. The second kid is so different from the first when you have only them to focus on.
