
Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Carmel Marathon Training {Week 11}

Last week will be known as the week of the tights. Otherwise known as the week winter came back to Fort Wayne. Otherwise known as the week I was reminded of the importance of checking the weather before getting dressed. Otherwise known as ... who gives a crap.

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Week 11 of training was my favorite.

For a few reasons:

• The hardest workout was 6 miles with the goal to negative split the run (average pace of the first three miles slower than the average pace of the last three miles). My other runs were easy, easy and cross train.

• I had company for three of my runs. To top it off, the Saturday long run was the first time in months my ladies group was all together. Between injuries, holidays and crazy schedules, it's been two or three here and two or three there.

• My rest day was Sunday, and it was totes nice having a weekend day off.

• I couldn't even write a lowlight for the week if I wanted. My running felt good and my legs seemed to benefit from the rest.

I did make one swap. The plan had me down to do a 12-mile long run but after 15 the week before and 13 two weeks prior, I felt due for a cutback. Plus, I have a 20K on April 2 so I switched my March 26 long run (12 miles) for April 2nd's (10 miles).

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The week, in running:

Monday: 5 miles, easy (with BRF Tami)
Tuesday: 3.1 miles
Thursday: 5 miles, treadmill (stupid windy)
Friday: 6 miles, negative split (stupid windy ... again)
Saturday: 10 miles


  1. Yay for a fantastic week! :) Have fun at your 20K! :)

  2. Wave as you pass me by in Carmel! You are going to do great!
