
Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Weekly Training + October Wrapup

Via Voxer {one of my favorite apps ever}, I listened to my BFF work out the math to hit 100 miles for October.

"Five on Tuesday, 3 on Wednesday and a long run on the weekend," she said ... or something like that.

She's training for a half marathon on Thanksgiving day, and a 100-mile month is a good goal when training for that distance.

Me? I'm not training for anything, and I wasn't so sure how my runs would add up for October. For most of the past six weeks, I have been in this cycle of taper, race, recover, quick build, taper, race, recover. My mid-week runs were rarely more than 5, and my long runs, I thought, weren't really double digits.

So color me surprised when I saw that I wasn't going to just 100 miles but reach my highest monthly mileage in more than a year.


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Week of 10/26

Runs: 5 {5.2, 5, 3, 4.18, 8.07}
Total mileage: 25.45 miles
Fastest run: Wednesday, 9:04 pace over 5 miles
Favorite workout: Masquerade Dash at the running store
Favorite route: Downtown Fort Wayne while on the Selfie Scavenger hunt
Focus for the week: Incorporate quality, not just quantity.
Highlight: Gorgeous fall weather

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Month of October

Runs: 20
Total mileage: 123.52
Fastest run: Interval workout, 9:02 pace over 5.25 miles
Favorite workout: Fartlek – 1 minute at a hard pace, 2 minutes recover
Favorite route: Leg 1 of the Bourbon Chase, hands down
Focus for the month: Rock out the Bourbon Chase
Highlight: Eye spy ... lots of wildlife. I haven't seen many deer in Fort Wayne up until this year but I seem to keep stumbling on them on my mid-morning runs. It's such a treat.

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