
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Weekly Training {7/6/15-7/12/15}

"How far do you want to go today?"

After weeks of navigating downtown in the dark because of flooding, Tami and I had returned to the old, familiar path. We didn't have to run loops to tack on mileage or figure out which way would have fewer stops for traffic. We had to run out, turn and run back.

As such, her question was pertinent and time bound. We were approaching the 1.5-mile mark, and our morning runs have been in the 3-mile range since I had Silas. If we were going to stick to that, we needed to turn around.

"But, why turn around?" I thought. So my answer, admittedly non-committal, was something like "3.5 or 4. Maybe. What do you think? Let's see how it goes?"

The 1.75-mile marker came and went unnoticed (cloudy early sky = hard to see GPS), and we soon found ourselves finishing a 4-miler. Sweaty, tired and a bit bummed that the cloud cover kept us from seeing a sunrise. We were grateful, though, for 40 minutes together – time to catch up, celebrate and, to be honest, bitch a bit.

From a data standpoint, the run was not remarkable in any way – good or bad. We were just under a 10-minute pace and I didn't feel particularly strong. Per the usual, the last mile tested my budding endurance. When I went to log the run into a Google spreadsheet a few hours later, though, I noticed that all of my runs for July were 4 miles or farther.

By comparison, 13 out of 17 runs in June were less than 4 miles (although one was 3.95 and another 3.8).

It would be nice to keep the 4-mile minimum for July, I decided, and so a goal has been set, etched in green ink in my Believe journal.

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The week, in training:

Monday, July 6
X-TRAIN | Cardio strength classes x 2 {taught}
Time: 90 minutes

Tuesday, July 7
RUN | 4.03 miles
Time: 40:06 Pace: 9:57

Wednesday, July 8
RUN | 4.03 miles
Time: 40:06 Pace: 9:57

X-TRAIN | Piloxing {taught}
Time: 45 minutes

Thursday, July 9

Friday, July 10
RUN | 4 miles
Time: 38:17 Pace: 9:43

Saturday, July 11
RUN | 5.01 miles
Time: 50:21 Pace: 10:04

Sunday, July 12
REST {Unplanned}


  1. Look at you busting out the training journal like a boss! :)

  2. I bought a Believe journal and I still haven't cracked into it! I think as soon as I am done with the journal that I am using now I will!
    Nice week! You will get that endurance back!! :)

  3. I forgot about my journal! Excited to use it in 3 weeks!

  4. I forgot about my journal! Excited to use it in 3 weeks!
