
Sunday, February 1, 2015

Bread and Milk {Weekly Meal Planning}

Not a spot remained in the parking lot. Driver circled and waited, circled and waited, turning on blinkers at any sign of hope. I managed to get a space almost immediately and near the door, though, I'm not sure how. But once I got into the store, I knew that my child-free trip to the grocery was going to be anything but peaceful.

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There were no carts in the bay, and a group of us congregated in the empty space. Waiting. Watching. I could see others stalking customers exiting the checkouts, eyes darting from lane to lane, wondering if they could take their carts. I tried to be patient but when I saw a manger leave a cart, I pounced. The pregnant lady should get preference, right?

And so began the adventure of grocery shopping the day before a substantial snow – forecasts ranged from 8 inches to 18 – was to hit.

I would have been at the store, regardless. I grocery shop most every Saturday, and our fridge was looking mighty dire. We were down to four eggs, a half-loaf of bread and a quarter gallon of whole milk.

Yes, I needed bread and milk.

But, to be honest, if I was stocking up for a snowpocalypse, I needed some other things, too.

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Coffee. Yes, definitely coffee. I also grabbed a good bunch of bananas, tangerines, frozen pizza (for Mark, who will likely have snow days this week) and snacks. Oh, and flour and butter for baking (to pass the time while we're homebound) and breast milk storage bags*. The last item the most necessary. Obviously.

I'm not sure what else I grabbed because genius here left her grocery list at work. After all, it's a good example to write your grocery list during meetings. Thankfully, Mark had texted me his meal requests for the week and though I rarely do, I decided to oblige him on all accounts as it might score me good-wife points**. And, it's really easy to look at "tacos" and go grab ground chicken, avocados and tortillas.

Well, on another day when you aren't playing bumper carts with everyone planning to hibernate for 10 weeks over one snow storm.

Meals for the week:

Sunday: Steak on the grill pan and requisite sides
Monday: Grilled chicken tacos/taco salad with Spanish rice
Tuesday: Tomato tortellini soup*** with salad and/or sandwiches
Wednesday: In-law's (ziti and meatballs for the 192,302 time)
Thursday: Cajun macaroni and cheese

Lunches for Kim: White bean soup and leftovers

What are you making this week? Any good recipes to pin?

*Really, I am just trying to buy one baby thing a week at the store to get a stockpile and get used to the spending. The storage bags were on clearance for $4.49 for 50. It was a steal!

**I probably lost all of said points when  forgot to pick up beer.

***A lot of times I pin recipes (follow me HERE) but only use them for general inspiration. I'll probably tweak this recipe based on some of my other tomato soup recipes, plus what's in my pantry.


  1. Stay safe and warm up there! And I totally would've bought all of the clearance bm bags :-)

  2. And I was thinking everyone was at the grocery store to stock up for Super Bowl! Dang! Good luck with the storm!!!

  3. DAMN .. you forgot the BEER!!! haha. Taco's sound great! I need to add those to my rotation. Sometimes I forget some very basic easy stuff. Good luck with all the snow.
