
Thursday, January 8, 2015

My Running Pregnant Experience {Second Trimester}

26 weeks, 3 days.

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I am that much pregnant. And, in 10 short days, I'll be in the third trimester ... the homestretch.

I'll spare you the babble about how I can't believe I'm almost in the third trimester because, well, it would be a lie. I feel like I've been pregnant forever. When a running friend said on New Year's Day that I'm going to be stupid fast when I come back after the baby, I was dumbfounded. Not by what she said, because it would be clutch to be stupid fast this summer, but because I don't remember what it's like to run not pregnant.

And that's why we're here. To talk about running pregnant, specifically how it's been going in the second trimester. (CLICK HERE for my post on the first trimester.)

Highlights: Going sub-2 at the Haunted Hilly Half with Kim; taking on the #RWRunStreak; and finishing the Gingerbread Pursuit 4-miler at a sub-9 pace.

Numbers: 349 miles ran (so far); 8:39 pace at the Bourbon Chase was my fastest run; and the Haunted Hilly Half was my farthest

How I am feeling: For the most part good though some days are better than others. It seems to take me a bit longer to get in a groove and, by the time I do, it's almost time for the run to be over. But I'm happy to be running.

As the weeks progress, I have had to manage what I assume is round ligament pain. I don't have it every run but, if I do, it's usually in the first two miles. It can be so uncomfortable that I contemplate stopping but once my ego agrees, it has passed. I've also had some discomfort akin to stitches in that it's in the belly/sides and not worrisome – just annoying. I am considering getting a support belt to see whether it alleviates the feeling and helps improve my running.

Pace: I have noticed my pace drop during this trimester where in the first trimester, because of my Fort4Fitness training plan, I actually got faster. I've gone to running 9:15 comfortably to the 9:30 range with 9:45s feeling better. If I'm on the treadmill, I'll start my runs at 5.8 or 5.9 instead of 6.1 or 6.2. I usually finish with the same pace, even if it's a push to the finish, but it takes me longer to reach the faster paces.

I've been waiting to get slower, significantly, for quite some time, warning those who go out with me and playing down my runs. Still, I'd go on about how I was surprised that my pace wasn't slowing but I was ready. And now that I think it's time, I'm going to be honest: ego-wise, it's really hard to acknowledge that I need to allow myself to step off the gas a bit. I need to not only be OK with logging slower miles in my spreadsheet but happy with it.

Cross training: I'm teaching two barbell classes a week, and I do the workout with the class. I don't lift as much during squats but my weights are comparable to pre-pregnancy on other tracks. I still teach a bootcamp class on Thursday nights (all are at the Y) but I have switched to leading and demonstrating good form. All plyometrics, save for some jumping jacks during a warmup, are out.

Looking forward: If I can get over myself (see above), I'd still like to run 20 to 25 miles a week as my body can handle it. I can't keep my (relative) speed – super coach and local superstar Justin Gillette says it's not possible – so I want to try for the endurance part. I ran 8 miles a couple weeks ago with the run group and it was challenging because of the pace. I might try that again this weekend, on my own, to see if that's feasible. Otherwise, I'll stick with four runs a week of 5 to 6 miles and maybe one shorter run of 3 miles.

Comeback queen?: I know, I know. I haven't even had the baby yet and who knows how things will go. BUT, it's nice to look at races and think about them, especially when that's what my running partners are doing. I will likely skip the summer, even the shorter races, and work toward doing the Double Play at Fort4Fitness, running the 10K and 4-mile. If anything, I'll "race" the 10K and walk the 4-mile with Baby X in the stroller. The race would set me up nicely to do the Bourbon Chase again, if my team wins the lottery. Kim mentioned a fall half, which is a possibility since we'll both be post-baby and run it for fun. It will be 2+ hours without kids needing us.

The big goal, right now, is a fall marathon in 2016. I've got it in my head that I want to try for Marine Corps and, if I don't get in, Twin Cities.

Sound off: Has anyone run with a support belt? Do you have a model you'd recommend?


  1. LOOK at that adorable belly! I love pregnant bellies. Maybe more so now that I will never have one again. Weird? .. perhaps. Moving on .. I would be exactly the same way, planning the come back VERY early on. Have you guys picked a name yet?? I know lots of people don't share early on. I'm one of those that refers to my baby by name VERY early on. You could always consider St. George Marathon for 2016 :o) It's GORGEOUS!! And pretty fast. Don't you have family in Colorado? It's very close to Utah .. just sayin. ;o)

    1. We do have a name! Top secret but it's there.

      I like the way you think. We do have family in Colorado and will probably head out in 2016, assuming we "upgrade" to a minivan by then.

  2. You are doing awesome!!!! I ran until week 37 with my daughter and then I just stopped. hahaha I was done and she was born a week later :). Coming back was a lot easier since I ran until almost the end and I ended up with my first post baby sub 2 at a half in november. I also ran with a support belt but ditched it just 2 weeks later. I think it caused more pain than it's worth and I found it was just more comfortable to do run/walk intervals.

  3. Great re-cap!! You are doing awesome!! Like you said home stretch!!! It will be here before you know it...maybe!! :)

  4. Wow, you are doing great! Yeah for the homestretch! I'm 19 weeks and have been experiencing some side-stich-like pains in the early miles of some runs and the support belt has helped immensely (I don't remember needing it this early with my first pregnancy :s). The Gabrialla maternity support belt has been good to me through my first pregnancy and through this one, too. The velcro is holding up well and it adjustable enough to fit well in the mid-second trimester to the day I had my son!
    Amy @

  5. I second the Gabrialla support belt! I'm not running anymore (33 weeks tomorrow! Eek!) but I still like using it for walking. For me it just helps everything feel tighter and support my lower back as my belly feels like it is getting huge.

    I hear ya on the looking ahead to races this year! I really want to start planning them out but I keep trying to hold myself back since this is kid #1 and I don't really know what to expect with a come back and how quickly it will happen. I'm also thinking the 10K for Fort4Fitness. I didn't realize you could add on the 4 mile as well. I'll have to think about that one!

  6. I've noticed my pace slowing over the last few weeks, and with everyone around me training for Boston it's hard not to want to look ahead to races in 2015. I'm trying to hold myself to a guideline of nothing until the fall: I don't want to pressure myself to run too soon. My big sights are set on 2016:) Looking good mama!

  7. Thanks so much for sharing. As someone who is looking to take the baby journey plunge, it is really helpful to see what you can keep doing although I know everyone is different. Thanks for being so honest and putting it out there for us. You'll have to remind me of all your tips when the day comes. xo

  8. Hmm. Apparently my comments get eaten when I comment from my phone. I used a support belt until I stopped running at 31 weeks with Anderson. At that point no belt was going to help keep his head from hitting my cervix...ouch. I still have it somewhere and would be happy to send it your way!

    And Twin Cities!!! Yes yes yes! I'd be happy to open my house up to you (and Kim too!).

    1. Umm, that would be so frickin' sweet on so many levels. But, yes, I'd love the belt.

      We'll see how this one goes. He'll kick me in the cervix a lot. I swear he does jumping jacks on it but his head is still under my ribs.
