
Tuesday, November 4, 2014


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Today I ... saw a fox as I was driving to meet Tami for our run date. At least I think it was a fox. I'm not sure I've ever seen one in real life.

If you were curious about what he said, it was something along the lines of, "What the hell is that massive thing coming at me? I think I might die!"

Today I ... ran in tights in long sleeves because that's what I packed last night but I should have ran in capris and short sleeves. It was 56 degrees at 5:15 a.m. Sunday, for reference, was in the 20s.

Today I ... learned what it means to run against the wind. For 2.5 miles out, Tami and I faced a brutal headwind that made it difficult to breathe, to move. We were going to cut the outing at 4 (running 2 miles out then heading back) but I said that we should run to the stop sign and then Tami convinced me to run to the turnaround for 5 miles. I agreed but only if she let me pause le Garmin to rest and breathe for a few seconds.

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Today I ... voted. I used to be so passionate about voting and my civic duty but my interest has waned over the past couple years. I was almost going to skip my visit to the polls but Mark reminded me that we had state senators on the ballot, and the state legislators make big decisions in education. (Mark is a teacher). I took Miles with me, and he charmed the pants off all of the old ladies while I pressed the buttons. We were in and out in 15 minutes.

Today I ... subbed a senior fitness class. It was, by far, the most relaxed I've been teaching in quite some time. The workout was a departure from what I'm used to but I so enjoyed the women in the class. In past mini-dramas about whether I'm cut out for group fitness, I considered special population certifications and working with older people. Today made me think I should have done more than consider. (Note: I still like teaching boot camp and other classes but I think my days working as a server at Cracker Barrel really endeared me to seniors.)

Today I ... am grateful for leftovers. With a run early this morning, voting and subbing a class, I didn't have much time to pack a lunch. I grabbed whatever storage container I could and hoped for the best. I ended up with a half-piece of meatloaf, mashed potatoes and green beans.

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Today I ... am happy that I managed to get dinner in the slow cooker. I am trying to do a version of this Chicken Parmesan Casserole. I put the chicken chunks and marinara in the crock (on low for 8 hours), and I'll cover it with cheese and bread crumbs when I get home and put it under the broiler. While it's doing it's thing, I'll make a side of penne and broccoli.

Today I ... picked a winner for my No Treat challenge. Meghan R. will be emailed  and be the recipient of a sweet prize (purchased by me) that includes my favorite sugar-free snacks, such as Gingerbread Larabars, Nuun All-Day and Snapea Crisps.

Now you answer: Today I ...


  1. I saw a fox on my run last night!!

  2. Today I....started counting my calories again. New perspective. Fresh ambition. Much needed.

    1. Never fun but good for you! I still track, and I stopped for a day ... and woof. I am not an intuitive eater.

  3. Today I...was too lazy to put my office back together (or maybe too overwhelmed by the enormity of the task) but I voted. You vote with buttons? I'm still coloring in circles with a black marker....

    1. You have to color? Glad it's not me. I can't stay in the lines!

  4. That is great you liked the senior class so much! What was it about it? Just the more chill atmosphere?

    Blah it was so windy yesterday! My run felt really challenging.

    Today (now yesterday, ha ha)... we went to see Interstellar in the IMAX and I really enjoyed it!

    1. It was definitely more chill with the seniors but I think I worried less about being judged and being "on." I didn't have to be hard core - just friendly!

    2. Oh yes! Such a good point! Being "on" gets soooo tiring... :)
