
Friday, November 7, 2014

Friday Favorites: Head to Toe

The seasonal switch in my running wardrobe has not only meant that I can close the drawers but it's been out with the old and in with the "oh, I forgot I have that!" In a way, it's like getting a shopping spree to my favorite running store but not getting the bill.

In a small, teeny-tiny, itsy-bitsy, not so much way.

But with that said, here are the things I'm loving right now and some items pulling a close second.

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Head: Saucony Space-Dye Skull Cap (similar HERE). I am pretty sure I first saw this hat on Sarah, and I had to have it. I waited long enough last year to snag it on clearance but sad I waited so long as it quickly became a favorite. The hat is light but warm, and it's big enough that it comes down over my ears.

Runner-up: Athleta cap. I coveted this hat all last winter as one of the run clubbers wore it on nearly every blustery run. I noticed that it was on sale at Athleta for $10.99 and with an Old Navy reward, I couldn't pass it up. I bought the XS/S, and the flaps cover my ears and the cap fits snugly — but not too tight. The selling point was the brim as it should keep falling snow out of my eyelashes, improving my vision.

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Torso: Another Mother Runner 26.2 sweat shirt. You have likely seen me wear this sweat shirt approximately 9,345,202 times because I love it ... that much. The cut is cute and comfortable, and I love the colors. I told myself that I would buy the 13.1 version if I PR'd the half at Fort4Fitness but I did come up short — barely and pregnant to boot. I will probably work into the gear budget soon enough for the sake of variety.

Runners-up: Fila Mars Running Hoodie in Peach Frenzy and the Tek Gear Fleece Hoodie in Coral Dazzle Heather. I saw these at Kohl's when I popped in to use a reward, and I walked around the store with them for at least 20 minutes. The color ... oh, the color. It's just so bright and fresh when every thing is so dismal. I put them back as we have a "no shopping for yourself" policy between Nov. 1 and Christmas but they would make an excellent gift.

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Bottom: Fila Maui Performance Leggings in Grand Ceremony. I saw these at Kohl's and I could not pass them up, regardless of whether they had my size. I figured going up a letter would accommodate a bigger belly in a month or two, anyway. I love the fun pattern on these pants! They aren't lined, which is a bit of a let down but they do help when it's cold enough that you want your legs covered but not so cold that you need lots of layers.

Runner-up: Nike Pro Hyperwarm Nordic in Ivory/Volt/Volt. The pattern — enough said.

Toes: Skechers GOrun Ride 3. I was in desperate need of new shoes when I visited Kim for the Haunted Hilly Half. I have a pair of Saucony Fastwitch with less than 200 miles that I wear for speed work and racing but my go-to Brooks Ravennas were nearing 400 miles. We had a lot of expenses last month and, to be honest, I hated that I needed to spend $100+ on new shoes. Kim, the wise one that she is, clued me into the Skechers. She had switched from the Ravennas to the Ride 3 a few pairs back and had nothing but positive comments. One of the pros? The price, which can be as low as $45 if you work Amazon right.

I quickly bought a pair, and I have been nothing but happy. The shoes feel lighter than the Ravennas (6.4 ounces vs. 8.5 ounces) and sport a 4 mm drop, which I'm used to with the Fastwitch. Despite the more minimal profile, the shoes are incredibly comfortable — almost like running on clouds.

Runner up: Pro Compression marathon socks. Of course, right? I'm including these not because I'm an ambassador but because compression socks and tall ones at that are essential in the winter. If you haven't pulled out tights yet, you can wear the socks with capris and be good for runs even in the high 20s. When the snow comes, taller socks offer added warmth and make sure there is no skin exposed between where the shoe/sock ends and the tights begin. The October sock of the month, which is still available, is especially sassy and sure to brighten up any gloomy fall run.

What gear are you loving right now?

Disclosure: I was not compensated for this post and did not receive any product in exchange for this post. In fact, no one knew I was going to write it ... until now, I guess.


  1. Wow, those looks WAY better on you than they do on that kohl's model. Eek, if you hadn't taken a picture I wouldn't have believed how fabulous they were/you are!

  2. I looooove those leggings. And I'm so glad you like the shoes!
