
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Weekly Training Update: 10/13-10/19

The lull. It is here. I am not actively training for a race. I don't have a plan to follow. My goals are broad, if existent at all.

It's a welcome change. I no longer have anxiety before workouts nor the stress of trying to fit it an 8-miler before work. I don't have to worry about how teaching two classes on Thursday will affect Friday's run nor do I care if the next day's run is 30 seconds slower per mile.

But it is different. After such an aggressive training plan, there's a sense that 5 miles is no longer good enough. One workout a day is not sufficient. I need to do x, y, z and 1, 2, 3 to be successful. Maybe even worthy?

I am trying to push it aside, though. The focus, after all, is staying as strong as possible for as long as I can and doing it to keep me and Baby X as healthy as we can.

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This past week was pretty a fair representation of how I've been working out and hope to continue to do so. I would like to add in another day of resistance training but that shouldn't be too difficult as my schedule at the Y might be changing to split up my Thursday night classes.

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Highlights: Kicking Mark's butt when he came to boot camp and logging some fast miles during Sunday's run.

Lowlights: Kicking my own butt in boot camp and the ridiculous DOMS that proceeded Thursday's classes and freezing rain at the end of the 10-miler.

The week, in training:

Monday, Oct. 13

Tuesday, Oct. 14
RUN | 5 miles
Time: 45:41     Pace: 9:08

Wednesday, Oct. 15
RUN | 5.01 miles
Time: 47:47     Pace: 9:33

Thursday, Oct. 16
CROSS TRAIN | Boot camp + Ripped

Friday, Oct. 17
CROSS TRAIN | Elliptical
Time: 45:00     

Saturday, Oct. 18
RUN | 10.01 miles
Time: 1:35:52     Pace: 9:35

Sunday, Oct. 19
RUN | 5.1 miles
Time: 44:36     Pace: 8:45


  1. I love that stage of not having to follow a training plan... which is why I don't ever follow one. Ha ha. I just want to do what I want!

    Gah, I feel like such an derpitty when I kick my own butt in class! At least then you know it was effective, ha ha!

  2. I don't do well without a plan. Even if that plan is for activities other than running, I need. one. All I've done this week is eat and walk a couple times.
