
Thursday, October 16, 2014

Things you didn't want to know {A Three Things Thursday post}

1. One of the side effects, symptoms, happy rewards of pregnancy is that the belly isn't the only thing that grows. The blobs of fat that sit atop the pectoralis major muscles do as well. I have gone from a barely there A cup to a full C. And though it's not particularly bothersome, it has created a new set of challenges.

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I was running with BRF Tami on Wednesday morning in a sports bra that had served its purpose just fine during previous runs. It's comfortable and easy to slip on from overhead, which is exactly why I had selected it the night before. We had gotten no farther than a half-mile when I declared that this run would be the bra's farewell. I am fairly surprised that everything stayed as it should - contained - and I was thankful for the dark skies of the early morning so no motorists could see the atrocity of the bouncing.

Other sports bras, while able to keep movement to a minimum, have been just as problematic as they are tight and uncomfortable. Some so much so that I can find it hard to find a good breathing pattern in the early minutes of a run.

Foundation garments for workouts should be replaced every six months, according to my local running store expert, so it seems that I need to get a new set for the duration of Baby X's gestation. Any recommendations for supportive and easy to put on garments are greatly appreciated.

2. I'm fairly certain that I have a toe nail preparing to say its goodbyes. The second toe on my right foot, per the usual. I noticed that it was feeling awful tender this weekend, and I'm blaming the hills of Kentucky. I should also blame myself for wearing my Saucony Fastwitch on said downhills as they offer less support. I am hoping to coerce the Boss into sending me to the salon for a pedicure to see what happens with some TLC and trimming.

3. I got my hair today, with my stylist lopping off my mullet. As I do my best to grow out last year's pixie experiment, I've found that the worst part is the little rat tail that seems to appear just 10 days before my appointment. Though I often feel nostalgic for the 1980s and my childhood, I'm not that nostalgic and would be more fulfilled to find a small curling iron and do my bangs.

Share: What are your "who cares" tidbits?


Deal alert: October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and Pro Compression is taking note. With your purchase of any products featured on this page, including any color Women's Leggings, we will donate a portion of each sale to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.

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 Save 40 percent when you enter coupon code PINK at checkout. Free shipping is available for your purchase over $20 (after discount), shipped to your US address. The leggings are an especially rad deal as they are already on sale for $50. I have a pair and love them for workouts. They don't have compression, making them comfortable and easy to wear. They fit true to size - I purchased a 6, which is what I also get from lululemon.


  1. What? No haircut picture?! :)

    1. No picture :( It's so rainy/humid here that the style went from cute to blob in 0.2 second. I'm hoping once it gets a bit longer that it will keep from curling too much.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.
