
Friday, October 10, 2014

Friday Favorites {Part Deux}

While I'm away running the hills of Kentucky - and hopefully showing them who is boss ("I am a mountain goat. I am a mountain goat."), I thought I would share some of the interesting things that I've spotted recently.

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See it to believe it

I posted a picture of this vest on the Healthy Strides Facebook page but it deserved a mention on the blog. This piece of reflective gear from You Saw Me might be the most awesome thing I've seen. The color changing vest has 60 waterproof LEDs, 20 steady state colors with 5 dimness settings and 19 variable speed color-changing mode. It also has a one-mile visibility. It's a bit pricey at $60 but it just looks RAD.

If the vest is too flashy, consider the Pro Compression reflective LED safety armband. It has two settings - blinking and solid - and a reflective strip for additional safety. Bonus: It's $5.99.

Make mine a double shot

I went on a little fuel buying spree at the Fort4Fitness expo, which makes a lot of sense since I'm wrapping up my racing season. I grabbed the newest flavors of Gu - Salted Watermelon, which I had tried; Root Beer; and Caramel Macchiato. I have yet to try the Root Beer but the Caramel Macchiato is so good. At least I think it was so, so good - my memories of that day are fuzzy.

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Hang ups

A member of my running group shared this medal hanger designer on a closed Facebook page, and I love what I saw. Many of the hangers are Spartan Race- or trail race-related but they are fun and beautiful. I was surprised, too, that they were really affordable considering they are custom made. I really like the 50 state challenge holder. I'd be hinting at Mark to get me one for Christmas but my medal holder is coming down to make room for Baby X.

Cumulus effect

One of my Bourbon Chase teammates was sharing how much she loved her shoes, and I was surprised to hear that they were not a brand I had heard of. Not that I'm some running expert but I feel like I've heard a lot about shoes. The brand, On, uses cloud technology and she says the shoes have solved a lot of problems for her - shin splints and posterior calf pain. I was curious to see whether they were similar to Hoka One Ones but the sole has a unique design. My teammate orders them online as her local running store doesn't carry them but she did say they were at a Run Disney expo.

What have you discovered recently?

Disclosure: I am sharing these products of my own accord. This post is not sponsored nor do I have any relationship with the companies included. I merely thought they were fun and worthwhile sharing.

1 comment:

  1. I like these posts.

    I've bathroom floor is really dirty. That Kate likes it when Leo lays on top of her (huge belly laughs). That chocolate chips cannot live in my house bc I have no control.
