
Monday, September 29, 2014

Baby, You Got My Number: Fort4Fitness 2014

There were hopes. There were tears. There were shouts.  And, once again, Fort4Fitness proved to be magic.

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I didn't get my PR. I was about 1:30 off with a time of 1:55:47. I am proud of that time, though. So, so proud.

It's my second fastest time out of my 13 half marathons. I bested my time from last year's race by three minutes. I broke 2 hours by a considerable margin.

More importantly, maybe, I didn't give in. When I hit a wall at the 10K mark, slowed to a walk and burst into a sob-filled rant about training so hard, I picked a sign then picked up my feet. It didn't always last, the quickened pace, but every split that was not what I wanted thereafter was followed by a better one.

And I managed to do it all at 12 weeks pregnant.

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Please, don't get me wrong. I am by no means special for running this race pregnant. There are other mother runners who have attempted and completed far greater physical feats than this. But to hold onto the dream, still entertain a PR, might have been a bit optimistic.

It was not unfounded, though. I had been running well when I got the news and continued to do so for some quite time. I really thought the goal was achievable until the past two weeks. It was then when things just started to get harder and not as fun. I didn't know whether it was Baby X (due April 2015) or just burn out or both.

So, on race day, I didn't know what to expect - not that anyone ever does. I just wanted to put my fears aside and run to the best of my ability on that day. With some much needed encouragement from my husband, it's exactly what I did. And that was a 1:55:47.


To read a more traditional recap of my race, go here.

I will probably post later in the week about my decision to continue with my training plan after getting the news. If you have any questions, leave them in the comments or email me at hlthystrides at gmail dot com.

But for those burning questions, here are the answers:

1. I didn't wear the tall Pro Compression socks. The temperature at race start was in the 50s and the day's high in the 80s. I thought it would be too hot so I went with the shorties. I'm glad I did.

2. I wore my hydration pack, which allowed me to have my gels on my chest and skip all but one water station. Just before mile 11, I took the car key out of the zippered pocket, tucking into my sports bra, and tossed the pack to my in-laws who were cheering with Miles. Please note that Miles was picking up dirt and throwing it on the sidewalk.

3. Mark ended up running beside me or just in front of me for most of the race. He started to play hare to my tortoise a bit more when I possibly got a *tad* snarky for him asking about pace more than I cared to answer.


  1. I am so stinking happy for you! To run that pace at the end of your 1st trimester is pretty freaking badass - and not killing Mark while he paced you is commendable. :)

  2. Congratulations! That sounds like a hard run race. While not a PR, what a fantastic time!! I'm so excited to follow along with you through this pregnancy. Great job! You have much to be proud of.

  3. Congratulations on your sub 2 and the baby news! You trained so hard ANC deserved a good race!

  4. I complete forgot to sign up for the race this year! Dang it. Congrats on the PR and the baby!!!

  5. I was possibly stalking facebook yesterday waiting to hear how it went. So excited for you, Mark and Miles! I'm totally impressed that you ran such a great race and were able to stomach GU. I remember wondering why I kept gagging trying to take gels during the Las Vegas RNR a few years ago...prego. Couldn't handle them again until long after Anderson was born.

    Maybe we'll just meet for a jog, walk or coffee when I'm nearby in November?

    1. Thank you! I am more impressed that I did not have to stop and pee during the race. It was my great fear since I can't run 2 miles without needing to go right now.

      I'm sure our "date" in November will be jog for you and sprint for me but yes!!!

  6. I'm still in awe of you - you didn't give up on your goals without a fight! Now you have an amazing story to tell your little girl (solidarity) someday, no matter the finish time.

    P.S. I told Mark I was impressed he came out without scratches or bruises. BRAVO!

  7. Woo hoo! Congrats on your awesome time, spedster! And congrats on Baby X! :)

  8. Awesome job! That's an amazing accomplishment pregnant or not!

  9. Congratulations! I hear the Fort has a really awesome ICAN chapter and vbac doctor if you're interested.

    1. Thank you! I actually switched docs this time around in the hopes of achieving a VBAC. Given the limited pool who will do it, he might be the same guy you are thinking of!

  10. Awesome job!! Congrats on the baby!! My birthday is April 7th so do your best to have baby x on that day!! MMmmK?!?!
