
Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Weekly Training Update: 7/14-7/20

Training for a goal half marathon doesn't stop when you go on vacation.

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And I'm so glad for that.

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This week my workouts have taken me to Arbor Day Farms, home of Arbor Day, in Nebraska City to Davidson Mesa outside Boulder to the top of the world in Rocky Mountain National Park.

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All the while, we've driven 1,200 miles and spent time with some of my favorite people in the world. Some might not like the pressure of fitting in runs and workouts while balancing vacation fun but this week has been some of the most fun training I've had in a long time.

The week, in training:

Monday, July 14
RUN | 5 miles

Time: 46:55     Pace: 9:22
Plan: 2-mile WU; 5 x [30 seconds uphill at hard effort, walk down rest; 75 seconds 5K effort, walk down rest]; 1-mile CD.
Since I can't find good hills in my neighborhood and I'm taking this training seriously, I hit the treadmill for this workout. For the hills, I did the 30 seconds hard at 7.5 (8:00 pace) and the 75 seconds 5K effort at 7.3 (8:13 pace). Incline was at 4.0 for first two intervals, 4.5 for second two and 5.0 for last. It felt tough for sure.

Tuesday, July 15
CYCLE | 10.25 miles
Time: 50:00     Pace: 12.4 mph
Let me say this: It's totally weird to ride in the dark. I woke up early to ride, taking the long way to the YMCA. I did some upper body exercises and then rode home.

Wednesday, July 16
RUN | 6.6 miles
Time: 58:10     Pace: 8:49
Workout: 2-mile WU; 4 x 1 mile @ 10K pace; 1-mile CD
Goal pace for the repeats was 8:20 but thanks to the awesome support of my husband, we were able to nail it - with negative splits. 8:13, 8:11, 8:08, 8:00. It was definitely tough at the end and I sort of wanted to die but I really showed up. The weather didn't hurt either thanks to the second coming of the polar vortex.

Thursday, July 17
RUN | 3.21 miles
After a 10-hour drive (not including stops), my legs were happy to go for a run. My heart was happier to be able to run with my best friend. Our time together is never enough so it was great to have a few miles without kids and husbands.

Friday, July 18

Saturday, July 19
RUN | 3.4 miles + 1.23-mile run commute to cycling
First run at altitude, and it was as difficult as I remembered.

CROSS TRAINING | Indoor cycling class
I visited the nearby rec center, and I really enjoyed the class. The instructor was very "Boulder" and welcoming. The workout featured some sprints and steady flats. A few climbs, too.

Sunday, July 20
RUN | 9.05 miles
Time: 1:27:54     Pace: 9:43
I did the first 4 with Mark around Louisville, Colorado, and then finished the last 5 around Davidson Mesa. The views were breathtaking, and I was completely enamored when I saw horses. Good thing, though, that my sister-in-law told me later that I could have also spotted rattlesnakes. Ick!


  1. Great week! Enjoy the scenery out there.

  2. Sounds like you had a very fun but rewarding week. Enjoy the rest of your vacation!

  3. Great job sticking with it while vacationing! Not the easiest thing to do. I run at elevation most of the time and don't really notice a huge improvement when I drop to sea level. My sister in law however swears by it!

  4. Good job working out on vacation! Looks like you enjoyed your time in my state... it's a pretty great place! :)

  5. I like running on vacation cause it gives me a change of scenery. I also like to drink margaritas on vacation, so that makes things interesting.
